“That Dark Lord would want to watch,” Amos muttered.
“Nah. That’s a fae thing. I bet Milo would happily watch so I’d have to bribe Saint to let me participate. Then again, as long as it makes Sweet Domino happy, he’ll be down for anything.”
“Anything to please our Starlight.”
“Starlight?” I questioned with a tilted head and raised eyebrow combo. “And shouldn’t I have a say as to how many men are being invited into this apparent ‘harem’ you guys are expanding?”
“When you have free time,” Arthur dismissed like that wasn’t even important to discuss. “But Starlight? That’s a cute nickname for our Willow.”
Amos smirked. “I should get going before those jealous fae try to pick on my brother.”
“Is Theo actually your brother?” I inquired.
“Stepbrother,” Amos replied as he headed to the door.
"Amos.” I stated his name with a bit of longing, noticing the shift in his behavior entirely. He suddenly seemed distant…cold…but I felt like it wasn’t my place to intervene even though we were newly bonded mates.
"Don’t worry about me,” he emphasized. “Just keep shining brightly for me.” He was gone before either of us could comment, leaving me with Arthur, who stared after him with a deep frown.
"His trauma is still raw,” Arthur noted. "He and you are very similar.”
“How so?” I asked in wonder.
“He forced himself to use his fae magic to shift his gender into a girl. It was because his biological parents were obsessed with females and were disappointed that he’d become a male. It was one of the reasons why he’d been a target for kidnapping. His parents had passed after some freak accident or an attack and instead of being accepted, he was outcast immediately because of his gender. He used magic to manipulate it so he’d be accepted again and have a chance to be with his apparent sister, but it basically was all in vain. He got kidnapped and should have been a pet like me, but he struck a deal to return to Faerie and go through the hardships of rising to two thrones," Arthur explained. “That’s essentially what I know because I was forced to retrieve an update on his history after the Vile Queen wished to ensure you two wouldn’t meet after the date of this runway was originally announced. Since you didn’t die or fall into her hands, I’m assuming she sent Felicia to prevent you two from the meeting, but she failed. Guess she knew what would likely happen, which reveals treason.”
“Doesn’t that mean we can execute a universal order to take her down now that we know it’s her?”
“It’s already been ordered by Amos,” Arthur revealed. “He wants to take that woman down once and for all. I despise her as much as anyone, but the anger Amos carries in his heart could make him a villain.”
The comment left me feeling a tad worried, especially with how little I knew of Amos—and Auraleia’s—lives.
Arthur offered his hand at my face level, pulling me out of my thoughts, which forced me to look into his soothing eyes that were overflowing with calm.
"You’re his Starlight,” Arthur reminded me as if I’d forgotten. “I bet you’re the guiding star he sought to acquire all these years. Your light is what guides him on the right path, and now your revelation is his reward for having patience.”
“Arthur,” I whispered and placed my hand in his offered grasp. “Thank you. I won’t worry about it until after this is all over, but having you here helped a lot.”
“Anything for my Sweet Domino,” he hummed and turned my hand so he could kiss the back of it. “The last touch to your outfit is ready.”
The shadowed gleam in his eyes only told me this was going to be more than I bargained for.
Something that would really get our community talking.
"Then we can’t delay any longer if we want to ensure everyone enjoys the show,” I emphasized with a sweet grin.
“Agreed,” he responded and lightly tightened his hold on me. “Let me lead you to the hidden dressing room.”
“Do you think everything will go smoothly now, Arthur?”
It was a genuine question to have.
"The Vile Queen can’t do anything. Every room is secure, and I ensured everyone here is protected from mind control. Those who aren’t were either not present or protected themselves already. Nothing can ruin your destiny, Sweet Domino.”
He gripped my hand tightly as we headed for the door.
“I think when all of this is over, we’ll be a nice pack to be around,” Arthur quietly admitted.
“I couldn’t agree more,” I replied and held his hand as tightly as he held mine.
Only a few final steps to claim what’s destined to be mine.