“He’s panicking,” Viktor warned.
“Shit. Saint. Chill,” Jayce encouraged, but it was easier than done, especially when it felt like a weight was placed on my chest.
“Fuck. He’s going to go straight into a panic attack at this rate,” Neo hissed.
“That’s only going to further empower his magic,” Onyx warned.
“Just start the exchange,” Willow pressed.
“But—” Loki tried to speak up but Willow cut him off.
“Start it! I’ll calm him down.”
I didn’t know what she could do to stop this approaching sensation of drowning. That was always how it felt when I was about to get slapped with an attack.
This was no different.
In fact, it was stronger than my other panic attacks. I used to have them so often as a child, before the inevitable sessions in the confessional box and right after when I was left paralyzed in helpless defeat.
I feared the worst because all of this was exactly what would end every person I cherished. I was surrounded by my packmates who wished to save me from my own demise, and all I was doing was setting them up for death.
This isn’t how it’s supposed to end…
I mentally braced for the worst as it felt like I truly was slipping away, but something began to hum gently. The tender sound was so far away at first, but the moment I concentrated on that sole sound, it seemed to be drawing closer to me.
Each note grew louder and yet embraced the sweet tenderness it delivered with the soothing melody. It didn’t take me long to realize which hymn it was: a soothing rendition of “Ave Maria.”
It was amazing how a single melody could steal away the pressure, and it only reminded me of Willow’s tender lips as she kissed me.
The world was fading, and it felt like every inch of me was oozing out of my body, but I concentrated on the sweet humming, enjoying the melody like it was my last.
I prepared for its end, but no way was I prepared for the angelic sounds of Willow’s voice that began to sing the very words in Latin.
All my attention was on her, even as it felt like I was being split in multiple ways. I couldn’t focus on it, for I didn’t wish to be distracted.
I just have to center my attention on Blossoming Flower. Yes…just on her enchanting voice.
It was so simple, and before I knew it, something was lightly shaking me.
I struggled to open my eyes, but when I did, I was greeted with half-opened orbs of prism that peered down at me with intense worry.
“Saint? Are you okay?”
For a brief moment, I was confused, but I realized my stalled response was kindling flickers of worry in those iridescent orbs.
“Saint?” Her barely audible voice trembled, and her eyes were filling with tears faster than I could blink out of my daze.
“Did we fuck up?” Onyx whispered.
“No. I swear we got every single droplet of Saint’s essence back.” Milo breathed heavily.
“Then why isn’t he responding?” Jayce questioned.
“Just give him a minute,” Dimitris encouraged.
“We’re going to need to get moving,” Viktor warned.