Iforgot about the immense freedom being a wolf delivered.
My paws crunched into the grass as the world of green blurred around me at my tremendous speed. The frigid winter air was like a consistent flow of welcoming air as my speed further heightened the thrilling experience. My insides were hot with excitement at finally being able to run with no restraint.
I was so immersed in Bria’s joy that I couldn’t differentiate my emotions in this high of euphoria. It was obviously a different type of blissfulness — to run and explore the world in the eyes of a beast as powerful as a wolf.
All of it still felt new — a fresh burst of enlightenment like this was the first time I’d shifted. The transition was so smooth that it took me a few seconds to mentally grasp the change from human to four-legged creature.
My poor men didn’t have a chance to give me instructions because I was gone before they could even shift, which I felt Dimitris would scold me for later.
For now, it didn’t matter though because all I had to care about was running.
This actually allowed me to have a deeper understanding of Bria’s emotions as we raced through this vast oasis of greenery.
The Goddess had blessed me with such a strong, for her agony and sadness regarding Roberto’s death were as raw and heartbreaking as mine. Despite how broken I was, she didn’t dare add to my misery, even though her pain was just as heavy to carry as mine.
I hadn’t truthfully taken it in yet, though my selfish need to mourn and be angry with the events was clearly one sided because I was blinded by the pain all of it delivered in one slap of events.
I wasn’t expecting to be over it, but I could acknowledge that I hadn’t reacted properly. The shock of everything really showed how death would impact me, and though I wasn’t going to be hard on myself for reacting the way I had, I had to force myself to acknowledge that it was the first and last time that could happen.
I was an Alpha now, and soon I’d be the Alpha of my Forbidden Pack. Though I didn’t want to think of losing any of my men, I wouldn’t be allowed to ignore the possibility.
No matter whether it was my pack or a member of my father’s, death was inevitable in our world, and it would only be a matter of time before I’d have to experience another being perish in the line of protection.
As Alpha, I’d feel it all, the rip of the connection and the emotions attached to it. The whole thing would be worse than watching it with my own eyes, and it would be my duty to not only endure it flawlessly but to be strong for those around me as I confronted the situation at hand.
I mentally acknowledged that and put it away, knowing I’d have to confront it later when the time was right.
Despite that, this run was having positive effects on both of us. It was simply a Band-Aid, but it was another step to help me move forward so I could get back to confront my enemies.
And strike them off my kill list…one by one.
The scent that reminded me of pumpkins and burnt toast caught my attention — the combined aroma strong enough to detour me from wherever I’d been previously heading to find where the culprit of this smell was.
It didn’t take long, just a minute and a half, before I crashed into a wolf, who yelped in surprise.
We rolled over a few times, tumbling down a grassy hill and landing on a soft path. I was already up and staring down at the bewildered wolf that was clearly blinking out of its gaze.
“I think I found Sweet Domino.”
It took me a few seconds to clock in on Arthur’s voice, which made me realize this had to be the wolf beneath me.
This was my chance to take him in, which was why I got off him and sat back happily to admire him as he rolled onto his stomach and got on all fours.
His fur was a mix of red and orange, the shift reminding me of flakes of ember from a stormy campfire. His aura was black with hints of orange, gold, and red, and his eyes were like the sun.
A black circle wrapped around the middle of his pupils, like an outer ring that only moved further away as his own irises dilated at my long stare.
It took me a moment to feel his emotions; his unease was as equally balanced as his happiness in seeing me. It felt as if he’d never really been in his wolf form, and I was trying to figure out why it seemed so foreign to him.
I dropped down on my paws, panting happily before I howled and started running around him. He observed me like he didn’t know how to react. His energy gave me nervous vibes before I came to a dramatic stop and dropped onto the floor to stare at him.
“Now she’s just staring at me,”Arthur pointed out.
“She’s confused about your energy,”Dimitris announced. I wondered where he was, which was why I turned my head to the left to see if I could see him.
I noticed Neo, Onyx, and Loki at the top of the hill we’d rolled down from, but Alpha Dimitris wasn’t around.