Page 90 of Wolf Outcasted

“There’s actually a poll with the five of us ranked as to who’s going to publicly kiss first.”

“Five?” Saint asked for clarification.

“Dimitris, Neo, Viktor, you, and me.”

“What’s the current percentage?”

“Dimitris and Neo are tied,” he stated and didn’t continue.

“And?” Saint pressed.

“Viktor’s fourth.”

“Where are you ranked?”


There was a drawn-out silence and suddenly I was chuckling into the sheet. I probably sounded like an evil mastermind ready to go through with his diabolical plans.

“Saint’s last,” I muttered, sounding like I was drunk. “Loser.”

“My heart hurts, William.” Saint sounded so crushed, but shuffled footsteps were followed with the cloth being moved from my forehead and another being placed on. “Hey, William? You okay?”

I just chuckled again.

“I bet he’s delirious at this point.” Jayce really sounded concerned. “We should get Dimitris and potentially call things off. It’s gonna be too much pressure on William to force him to put up a front before the crowd.”

“We still have about an hour and a half before we really have to go and get there on time.”

“But the traffic is going to be insane,” Jayce considered.

“We’re actually going to head to the new house first. Not into the house property, but Neo determined that if we go west from here to the new place, we can go directly to the hidden tunnels and get to the roundabout before the building steps in no time,” Saint explained.

“Oh shit. We got a new house?” Jayce sounded excited.

“Neo apparently bought it when Dimitris was inquiring about it. It’s going to be the perfect house to give us a break. It’s basically life-proof, but Milo mentioned he could put up fae wards that would be embedded with magic that gives off royal vibes. Apparently, if he does that, people will stay clear unless invited. It’s what they use in the fae worlds for the kingdoms.”

“That’s crazy cool.” Jayce seemed impressed. “Doesn’t he need to rejuvenate himself soon?”

“I’d mentioned that to him, but he said he’ll be fine for a few more days. Something about it being hard to find lagoons that replenish fae energy. They appear at random times, so it’s not like he can waltz in just anywhere and skinny dip in a pool,” Saint explained. “Let’s go give Dimitris an update.”

“And potentially die,” Jayce grunted.

Saint laughed. “He can’t kill all of us. Let’s be grateful that he was gone most of the night and more concerned about William.”

“Did William fall asleep?” Jayce inquired.

“William? Willow?"

I didn’t respond because I didn’t really have the energy to do so. Whatever position I’d gotten myself into was comfortable as hell and listening to their intriguing conversation seemed more important than trying to join it.

“Let him sleep,” Jayce encouraged. “Let’s go tell Dimitris.”

When they left, it would have been the perfect opportunity to do or say something, but I kept still for a few minutes before a “ding” noise reached my ears.

Is that my phone?

I’d literally forgotten all about my phone. It wasn’t like I needed it when I was around the guys, which was probably why I’d dismissed having it around. I struggled to get an eye open and finally managed to get my heavy lid up halfway.