Page 181 of Wolf Outcasted

“Daddy!” My attention moved back to Malika, who was now in Milo’s arms. He slowly moved off the trunk of the car with the little girl. “My friend! You’re leaving her!”


I peered into the car and noticed the shoulder-length strands of pink that looked far too long to be William’s hairstyle.

She switched back.

There was a soft spot to Willow’s female side that always pierced my heart and urged me to go to her aid when she needed it. This time was no different; my heart tried to persuade me to get moving.

Guess I didn’t have a choice.

"Don’t worry, Malika,” Milo soothed, his voice far softer in comparison to before. “My friend is going to help her.”

That innocent set of eyes immediately locked onto me, and she didn’t show an ounce of fear at my appearance.

“Can you help my friend?" She was pleading with me. “She protects…from bad girls! Please?!”


There was something about children that always held a soft spot in me. It had to be the past, the love my past mate had for children, and the dream of having our own. It made a lump form in my throat, but I swallowed it down and tied the chains to the handles of my bike. After ensuring they were secure, I began to walk towards the car with solid strides.

The closer I got to the car, the weaker my flames that burned violently behind me became until I was completely extinguished and my skull was beginning to work on gaining its skin back. I cautiously kept myself focused, knowing my chains needed to remain until I got Willow out.

Getting into the car was smoother than I thought it would be, but once I was in the back seat, I knew getting Willow out was going to be a problem.

She sat there completely still, her eyes displaying her shell shock as they were completely dilated and changing colors rapidly. My brief observation of her hair proved that the triggered blast that stopped time surely mimicked the magical blast she’d experienced at the gym before the ambush that stole most of her long strands.

It had the opposite effect this time: her completely white strands reached her shoulders. I was coming to realize as I observed her that the longer she held time, the more white her hair became as it grew a tiny bit longer with each passing second.

What worried me was how pale she was. The fright in her expression made me feel like she was far away in another fucking dimension in her mind.

“Willow.” I whispered her name, but it did nothing to reach her.

I realized her body was extremely cold, and her lips were beginning to turn blue as if she weren’t breathing at all. It took an added second, but I realized that was exactly what was happening here. She was completely frozen in her own time spell.

And it wouldn’t be long before she ran out of air.

“Willow.” I had to repeat her name as my hands reached out to lightly touch her frigid cheeks. I hated that she was so cold. The touch reminded me of the past, when I held the body of my beloved. I pushed away those memories as fast as I could because I wouldn’t allow another repeat.

My Rebel won’t die in my arms.

Lowering my gaze to her lap, I noticed her bare legs that peeked out of the black leather skirt she’d matched with a pink bralette and black waist-length blazer. I recalled the new imprint.

I could use it to my advantage.

The random thought that came into my mind was one I’d never had before, but it seemed like my only chance of reaching Willow and I’d take it if it meant saving her from the clutches of death.

With a few deep breaths, I closed my eyes and lightly pressed my lips against her frigid ones.

I felt the pulsing of the devil’s mark as if the kiss ignited its activation. It pulled me into the nightmare Willow was enduring.

I found myself on a cliff, the familiar surroundings making me realize this was the place near the awakening forest. I didn’t need to understand why I was here. There was no point in thinking at all. I needed to act based upon instinct, and one look below encouraged me to dive forward until I was soaring and crashing into the frigid waters below.

I glided through the waters like it was nothing, the heat within me beginning to rise as I went deeper and deeper. The darkness descended around me, but it didn’t stop me as I began to work on getting closer and closer with my hand movements.

There was a part of me that worried I was too late, but my burning heat yearned to warm up our counterpart, and I knew we were close.

So fucking close.