"Ya, but if it was William, you-AH!" Saint sang but flinched and ran to hug Neo, who was mid-yawn.
"Neo! Dimitris is planning my murder."
"Good," Neo casually replied. "Now move so I can hug my mate and take a nap."
"That's all you care about when you're tired," Saint muttered but let go of him to walk over to Milo. "Need a hand, Milo?"
"Hmm?" The fae wolf in question leaned his head back to look at Saint. "Sure."
Neo reached me and didn't delay in pulling me into a hug. I relaxed in his hold as he quietly whispered, "You just have to save everyone, hmm?"
"Well, not really," I quietly admitted as I hugged him a bit tighter. "But it felt very important to save Loki and now look. Onyx has a brother, even though he has his cock in a knot about it."
"Woof!" Onyx huffed and nudged my side.
I pulled out of the hug to see the two of them were still sitting obediently.
"Who's older?" Neo pondered as he looked at the two of them.
"I think Loki?" I suggested and looked at him before Onyx."You two can switch back."
They both got up and shook out their coats before they shifted back.
"You don't realize when you use your Alpha power on us, now do you?" Neo pointed out.
"Uh...I'm working on it," I noted.
"Ya right," Dimitris muttered, and I noticed he was standing behind Neo with the others. The poor guy looked like he'd literally been hit by a truck with how tired he was, but it didn't stop me from slipping out of Neo's hold and moving to hug him.
He didn't even stiffen at my touch - his arms wrapping around me as he held me tightly.
"You really should just be an Alpha, you know,"he quietly stated in my mind. It was a conversation between us, but I wanted him to know I wasn't ready.
As much as I'd love to officially be a Wolf Alpha, Dimitris, I'm nowhere near ready. I don't know...how you do it, but sorry for stressing you out. For being impatient...and dying...and whatever else I probably did.
I pulled back to see his slight smile as he reached out to brush his thumb along my cheek while his eyes were taking in my extremely short hair. The way his lips pouted made me giggle.
"You don't like it."
"No," he admitted. "But I can get used to it. Makes you look like a tomboy."
"Doesn't that make you happ-" He actually stopped me with his lips, and I was positive everyone was frozen in shock by his sudden kiss –and the fact he was kissing me, female Willow, instead of male William.
"Don't get kidnapped again," he muttered with an annoyed scowl.
I gasped in exasperation. "Oh, right. It's my fault for minding my own business and getting kidnapped by…" I paused just to point to Loki, "him!"
Loki didn't even look ashamed. It was our chance to look at him and Onyx and see the striking similarities.
"Damn," Saint commented. "You two sure you're not twins or something?"
"No," Loki announced with a smug grin. "I'm two years older."
Onyx didn't even seem pleased by that as his face told me he was plotting this man's murder.
"Onyx," I drawled out his name. "No murdering your requited sibling."
"So, you want to explain to me what that is?" Onyx questioned directly to Loki - pointing at his left hand.