"Anytime, Willow," he whispered. "See you soon."
I pressed the end button and stood there for a long minute, allowing myself to process my thinking while trying to understand what the hell was wrong with me today.
With a shake of my head, I grabbed my phone and magnetic card holder. I slapped the pink leather accessory to the magnetic back of the new phone and headed out of my office to simply walk up the hallway.
The new arrangement had a floor with a designated office for each of us. I requested eight offices in total on the off chance we decided to expand our personal team. With the potential thought of having a second bodyguard in the picture, the extra space was beginning to look like a good decision, just in case I had to expand the security team.
When I reached the office with light pink doors and black and purple flakes decorating the personalized space, the security guards bowed in my presence as one reached for the golden door handle.
"No interruptions," I emphasized, knowing well that Saint probably hadn’t informed them of my request yet.
The door opened at the proper time. Dimitris was listening to the receiver end, his eyes lifting from his desk to meet my cold set of eyes as I cloaked my steps with magic so my heels didn't click against the tiled floors of black with shimmers of gold and metallic purple.
I was too upset to focus on the amazing aesthetic Dimitris's office brought to the table, but I could at least appreciate that the overall dark theme with golden accents was totally approved in my books.
I could already imagine Neo's office as a mix of red, gold, and black, while Saint would definitely be a mix of white and gold with black accented pieces to mix things up. Jayce felt like a blend of orange, blue, and gold, and Onyx would be a marvelous silver-and-black combination with gold accents.
I wasn't yet sure what role Milo was going to play in our new work dynamic, but I could guarantee the theme of gold would be the biggest focus in his potential space with a rich or wooden aesthetic.
The door closed lightly enough to not disturb the conversation as Dimitris answered the potential business negotiator on the other end of the line.
"That's our offer. I don't understand why you insist on having the privilege to speak to Miss De Luca regarding this matter. If you believe you're going to get a better bargain simply because she's a woman, you're insulting not only the foundation of this company, but Miss De Luca herself," he practically seethed, and I could tell by the way his eyes danced between pink, purple, and even gold that Dimitris wasn't pleased.
I just couldn't determine if it was due to my arrival or the conversation at hand.
It pissed me off that he was having such conversations when I was designated to take these calls for the remainder of the afternoon.
They weren't even supposed to be calls but physical face-to-face negotiations.
I wasn't going to act like a fool and not assume that he must have sensed I wasn't feeling well and decided to take it upon himself to be the dominating Alpha he was and ease my burdens for my own sake -something I didn't ask for.The thought aggravated me, not because I didn't appreciate his concern, but because he was being a typical man and doing things without my permission.
I wasn't some damsel in distress that needed some fashionable Alpha prince to come and save the kingdom. When it came to business, I didn't care how sick I was. I'd work by any means and at length to get the deal that satisfied my business.
"If you think speaking with Miss De Luca is going to change the outcome of this, I'll advise you again, that's not how it's going to work out," Dimitris stressed. "I'm giving you the best offer on the market. We have plenty of competitors who would happily give us triple what we're asking and yet you think speaking with Miss De Luca will give you a better deal because you obviously are assuming I'm highballing you."
The voice in the background sounded harsh from here, and I could tell from the way Dimitris's frown was growing deeper and the slight twitch in his eye that his tolerance was running thin with this negotiation.
Just as thin as my fucking patience.
I couldn't take standing here any longer. I tugged away my magic and let each step of my mine echo through the room until I was right behind Dimitris's chair. I stole the phone from him and placed it on speaker before lowering it onto the desk’s surface.
The man clearly knew someone else was in the room and decided to assume it was me as he slyly voiced, "Unless I can speak to Miss De Luca herself, I think we'll have to postpone the results of this contract, Mr. Moore."
"Unless you can explain to me in less than thirty seconds why I must waste my valuable time talking to a second hand, waste-of-space man like yourself over a deal in the millions, I suggest you eliminate any possible chance of grabbing a contract, let alone another conversation with me, my fellow CEOs, or even my lowest secretary in Forbidden Enterprise!"
The man literally choked on his saliva at my brutal, honest response. I just got to the point because I was done wasting time today.
I had other people to spill my wrath on.
"One billion or we walk," I declared without hesitation. "Every second you waste of my time is one-hundred million I make by just breathing. Seeing as you've already wasted ten seconds of my time, don't bother wasting more of it."
I took a quick glance at the time and got right to it. "Five minutes. Text this phone your decision and wire the money to the designated account ten minutes after that. No text, no deal. No money, no deal. And the next time you don't take Mr. Moore or anyone in my corporation's time and words seriously with your 'Let me speak to Miss De Luca' bullshit, I'll personally cancel this contract with the snap of my fingers and buy your entire cooperation before you can call a worthy enough lawyer to support your case."
I didn't wait for him to answer as I hung up the phone, walked around the desk, and stood there with my arms crossed over my chest.
Dimitris just stared at me, the phone, and back at me.
"What did I do?"