The glimmering amusement in her eyes finally dimmed and the officers watched in horror -while I watched in great satisfaction -as she pulled the eyeball right out.
His screams were like a symphony of agony that would be grand to fuck to, but I noticed the reasoning for psycho Willow's actions. She skipped over to me, the eyeball still her blade's hostage, but it made perfect fucking sense now that I could see it up close.
"A fake eyeball," I whispered and reached out for it. Inspecting it closely, I noticed the tiny wires and the metal interior that was covered in a very thin later of something that made the eye look so fucking real.
I slowly looked to Psycho Willow as she smiled in glee.
She wants me to praise her.
"You should. We almost fucked up. Remember those in Cali? The voice of the target triggers the recording device that goes live and sends the information in real-time to their private base. Didn't think they had that technology here. Last time Saint spotted it, remember?"
That's why I like having him around, but now I have options.
I smiled and gently brushed my hand against her cheek.
"Very good," I quietly praised. "Anything else I need to look out for?"
Her grin only widened further as she swirled around and began to look at each officer. Whenever she got close to them, they stilled while fighting their obvious response to tremble in fear. Couldn't blame them after that debut of torture.
She went down the line, skipping Officer Ronald, who was still screaming and crying about his lost eye. She stopped at the last officer to the far right, and he didn't even delay to rat everything out.
"I'm innocent, I swear! I didn't know what they were planning!" he began as tears rolled down his cheeks. "I just started today. I was instructed to follow Officer Ronald’s every command. He said I was instructed to stop this man because he carries ties to someone interfering with the Vile Queen's uprising! I...I'm just a new pup. I was forced into this world and I don't know what the fuck I'm doing."
He was literally on the verge of losing it as sobs wracked his body.
"I never wanted to be a part of this. Please...please...I'll do anything to be shown mercy. I'll pledge allegiance. I'll do anything...I...I just don't want to die. My daughter has no one. Her mother ditched us and died of a drug overdose! My family are all dead. It's just me and her. Please...please..."
Psycho Willow just watched this man as he cried, observing him with a curious expression before she lowered her gaze to his vest. As she reached into the inner lining, the man closed his eyes shut as if he were about to die there and then, but Willow pulled his phone out, the screen brightening up to reveal a smiling picture of him and a little girl.
She had to have been two or three. Her beaming blue eyes and curly black hair obviously proved that she was of a mixed nature. I didn't know what Psycho Willow was thinking, but she slipped the man's phone back into place and walked back to Officer Ronald.
Staring at him for a long extra minute, her hands moved fast as she opened his mouth against his will. He gurgled and tried to speak, but Willow moved her hand into his mouth and pulled out a specific silver tooth.
Another round of screams escaped him, but she moved back to the pleading man and showed him the tooth.
She didn't need to say anything for him to know what she wanted him to reveal.
"That's one of the trackers! I-I think it's what the Vile Queen uses, but it needs to be activated by magic! He was waiting for you to begin torturing him so it would activate. That's what he said in the cell that was holding us earlier!"
"What a fucking snitch!" the officer on the far left snapped.
"I didn't fucking sign up for this!" the guy snapped back. "Y'all fucking kidnapped me and locked me up in that winter fucking prison for months! You tortured me! Experimented on me. All for your fucked-up queen! You changed me into a fucking wolf so I could become your black magic puppet and forced me to be a cop! I haven't seen my daughter in months! I swear to fucking God, if she died, I'll meet you in the damn afterlife and slit all your fucking throats!"
They went on arguing, but Willow was standing in front of me in a blink and handing me the silver tooth.
I stared into her eyes for a long moment, before I muttered, "I should give you a name."
She blinked and smiled brilliantly while she clapped her hands. It seemed to shut the others up in their argument, and I decided we'd better get things moving.
"Willa?" I tossed out the first name that came to my mind, and she squealed.
"Willa! Willa! Me! Willa!"Another round of clapping and she yawned."Bye."
I expected to catch Willow with the sudden switch, but with a few blinks and an expression of 'what the fuck just happened,’ my Sweetness was back.