Page 158 of Wolf Endangered

My element won't hurt her.

"I'm very sure of that, but I'm asking if it'll influence her."

The same terms and conditions apply.

"You always love to talk less when you head down this path."

Miss my talkative banter already? Should be glad I'm not in the mood for silent treatment yet.

"How many enemies?"

My eyes began to scan the forest, noticing the barrier was officially broken and a light mist was blowing in. Goosebumps began to crawl up my arms, and I was fighting hard not to get giddy and jump up and down in excitement.

Thirty? Maybe forty. Hard to count.

"I'm sending Onyx and Neo."

They won't be able to enter.

"Why the fuck not?"

Our enemy had a little fae helper.


See? I should have become a fae.

"You'd be an emotionless bastard as a fae."

You have a point.

The fae weren't as common in our world, but when they were around, they weren't the friendliest kind. Many were summoned for dirty work, while the few that came on their own accord ended up creating their own organization of trouble in the shifter world.

It was a smart "get rich" scheme since shifters paid massive amounts of money to get the aid of a fae, but they must really be threatened by us with all the fae we'd been encountering lately.

"Can you handle it?"

Ask what you want to ask.

He paused as I rolled my eyes, noticing the tattoos of black spirals and lines that began to seep into my flesh and appear along my arms.

I cracked my neck, my blond strands beginning to shift to black while my nails began to grow sharper as their shade of nude began to drip to matte black.

"Will you be able to pull back your darkness and bring Willow safely back?"

When I chuckled this time, the very trees shivered as a cold breeze rushed by.

Now, now, Dimitris Moore. What a stupid question.

He sighed."I'm coming over there."

Go ahead, but I doubt our enemies will be alive by then.

"I'm not coming there for them."

I know.

Slowly looking over my shoulder, I licked my lips at the sight of Willow.