Page 249 of Wolf Endangered

"Father," I whispered.

"We don't have much time," he admitted. "Loki can't hold these realms forever, you know?"

"You know him?"

"I do," he admitted. "The last reaper wolf in the world who originally served the Phoenix Kingdom until he went missing ten years ago. I understand now why none of us were able to track him, but that will surely change."

"He's the reason Willow's dead," I snarled.

"Your Willow choose between abandoning this endangered wolf that was dying or freeing him from captivity for the sake of getting rid of one of the few advantages the Vile Queen has left," Father revealed. "Between the two options, I feel as though this occurrence was for the best."

"It's not when she's dead, Father," I stressed.

"You're correct, son," he admitted. "But Willow is enjoying some nice tea with your mother in the fields of the In-Between. I doubt she fully comprehends she's dead."

"Wait, what?" I gasped. " there?"

"You know your mother has never been the type to be alone. Journeys are hard when you've been so used to traveling with one another. She knew I'd leave when the wolf outcast faced her final trial after gathering the Endangered Seven."


"Dimitris, Nicodemus, Saint, Jayce, Milo, Onyx, and Loki," Father revealed. "There's a reason for the chaos, son. The world is fighting desperately for you all to not figure out exactly why you're all so important in this playing field of domination."

"Where does that leave me, Father?" I couldn't help but ask as I lowered my head in shame. "When Willow needed me the most, I fucked up. I didn't sense the threat, nor was I able to get to her on time. I vowed I'd always find my way to her...and I failed."

Father stood before me now, and he reached out to pat my shoulders.

"And yet you're right here," Father whispered.

I lifted my head up to look into his wise eyes of glowing wisdom - prism orbs that carried centuries’ worth of magic and knowledge passed down the realms. I'd forgotten how he looked when he'd raised me, but in this moment, it didn't matter. He was here when I really did need him the most.

"You've journeyed to a space between life and death without knowing who would greet you. All for the woman you've loved all along."

"I was...frightened to love her, Father," I quietly confessed.

"Because when you love, it's absolute, and you wouldn't allow yourself to lose her," he answered as if he’d known that all along. I slowly nodded, and he smiled.

"Just like me when I met your mother. I loved her before I could acknowledge it, and was frightened that because of my love, it would lead to her early demise."

He closed his eyes while his smile grew.

"I know our world of magic is far darker than portrayed to the world you live and survive on. We hide many secrets and carry enemies in all directions, but it's not as different from the world of the living, Vincenzo. As one who fights countless threats, the playing field is always a little uneven on the side of justice, don't you think?"

When I nodded, he opened his eyes.

"Your fear of those with magic far greater than you is valid, Vincenzo, but when you return, I want you to take a good look at your woman and tell me if you see a weak woman who wishes for your aid, or a strong woman who will carry the burden of the world if it means she'll be a victor."

My eyes widened at his words, and he bobbed his head.

"Many belittle an outcast, but not because they're different. It's because they carry a destiny far worthier of a crown, far stronger than a chair, far grander than their world of normalcy can contain. And your enemies will do anything to stop them. Anything to keep them under the covers so they can't fulfill their destiny. They did the same to your mother, and she overcame the years of agonizing pain, cruelty, and torture to prove them all wrong," he revealed. "She got her chance to shine, to live, to prosper, and to enjoy the fruits of her labor. The world got to see her shine, she got a moment to raise you, and then her greater calling pulled her into her next role in life as a Disciple with me as her Master. Time brought more challenges, but it made us stronger, wiser, and then came a time when I had nothing else to teach her. She became a Master, and I remained at her side as her Disciple."

"But now...she's gone," I whispered.

"Per se," he whispered back. "She wouldn't leave without me, you know? Just like you won't leave without your Disciple."

"Willow," I whispered.

"Princess Willow has many duties to fulfill, many challenges to face, and many enemies she needs to rip off this earth, son. Her role is blessed by Mother Moon and the experiences she's endured and will endure in the future are not an error of judgment. Like the Endangered Seven, your role is to be the Master in realms of magic."