"Are you referring to the Magical Coven? The High Court that's above all the witch Covens?" Saint clarified.
"Yes," Dimitris replied.
"Why would they be afraid of Willow?" I asked. "They don't even accept her."
"It's being spread through the grapevine," Dimitris muttered in annoyance.
"On purpose, I assume,” Neo suggested. "Smart tactic to try to get her killed."
"Why does it feel like we're getting hit at every angle?" Saint groaned as he rested his head back. "Haven't we dealt with enough shit? We're really going to deal with being the prime target for everyone in the new year? Really?"
"Someone is obviously doing it on purpose," Onyx said and sighed.
"We need to get Forbidden Enterprise up and running," Dimitris emphasized. "These tactics are in hopes of us delaying the launch."
"Why though?" I questioned. "There has to be more that they're fighting about than this apparent chair that's up for grabs. Why would we have the Coven secretly targeting us? Do they really want to fuck up the connection we have?"
The knock on the door caught our attention as it opened and revealed Viktor. He was in casual attire - black jeans, a silver branded top with a graffiti design from SUPREME, and a leather jacket.
We all just stared at him like we didn't recognize him.
He simply rolled his eyes, walked in, and closed the door. "I have a wardrobe aside from suits and bodyguard attire, you know," he huffed.
"If only he used that wardrobe to snag a date with Willow," Saint muttered to me.
"She'd jump right into his arms," I replied.
Neo and Onyx were smirking, and Viktor wore the biggest scowl while glaring our way.
"Where's Willow?" he questioned.
"Showering," I spoke up. "Still William. Dimitris pissed him off."
Viktor gladly moved his threatening gaze over to Dimitris, and he ignored him to jump back to the previous topic.
"This Vile Queen has to be someone who used to carry an array of connections and lost their position either to Aurelia or potentially isn't on the list to ascend to this High Court position," he explained. "What concerns me is that we're being targeted before this fashion show."
"What's the big deal about the fashion show?" Onyx inquired. "It's exactly that. Sure, celebrities and royals are invited, but it's not like anyone else can't attend. I got my invite today."
That had all eyes on him and he frowned at the obvious attention.
"The fashion show is for royals only," Viktor revealed, clearly catching on to what we were talking about. "It's not a normal event. It's a warning."
"Warning?" Saint asked. "Warning in regard to what?"
Dimitris looked at Viktor and gave him a slight nod to reveal the truth.
"The fashion show is an event that warns royals of high ranks in the human and supernatural realms that the end of an era is coming and a new one is beginning," Viktor revealed. "Meaning, one of the higher positions in the High Court is about to become vacant."
"Why would they warn people about that?" Onyx questioned.
Neo leaned further back into his seat and lifted his right leg to rest upon his left. That move alone made me realize the shift in the room. All eyes were on Neo as he smiled in delight.
"They aren't warning us." Neo's voice was deep and threatening, which immediately confirmed that Nico was entering this chat. We all remained quiet, waiting for him to continue. "They're confirming that someone of power is about to step down and give their place to another. It's not a place for debate. The decision has already been made."
Already been made?