"Took you away from your daughter, brought you somewhere to be tortured for months, forced you to become an officer and give him your complete devotion, and now look? You're sitting upon death row and he wants you to die for him. Do you think that's the loyalty of an Alpha?"
Milo swallowed as his eyes danced between anger and fear. He was frightened about the consequences of leaving, and I bet Willow saw why. She knew what it was like to be a caged bird. To be submissive to the person who brought agony to your cell and threatened to end it all if you disobeyed.
Her past could be why she somehow saw past the circumstances and was willing to give this man a chance. He could be useful, especially when we knew he was a wolf. Whenever we made an alliance, they went to Jayce to be trained for security. He was good at helping with the transition, aiding them with their insecurities and the darker side of pulling out of a pack bond.
The panic attacks, mental breakdowns, and emotional scars left behind were often intense.
The longer I stared at Milo, the smarter this idea was blossoming to be, but the decision was still in his hands.
"No," Milo finally answered.
"You know nothing of this world, let alone what loyalty means!" Officer Ronald barked, and Milo flinched again. You could see the agony on his face, but he was prevailing against whatever mental attack Officer Ronald was giving him.
"He doesn't want us to have him. Why?"My perceptive wolf was catching onto what I was sure Willow had already noticed.
"What's loyalty to you?" Willow asked as she walked over to grab a folding chair. She came back to situate herself before Milo, spinning the open chair around so the back of it faced forward and she had the perfect ledge to rest her arms on as she looked directly into Milo's eyes. "Regardless of your past, what would prove to you that someone is loyal?"
"A person who is willing to have your back when the world doesn't," he replied as he bobbed his head while tears formed in his eyes. "Where I...came from...the hood, you knew someone had your back when they would take a bullet for you. Would lie to make sure you didn't get caught, hide you from the feds, or take you into their group so your enemies couldn't do shit to you."
"Did you leave the hood for your daughter?"
He stared at Willow as a tear ran down his cheek. "My grandpa was from the hood. My father was from the hood. I was from the hood...but the idea of my baby girl joining that same cycle didn't sit well with me. It didn't matter to me if I had to start from scratch. I'd...start from the bottom if it meant giving her a better opportunity at life, giving her the protection I never got."
Willow nodded in understanding and leaned back. Her wrists were crossed as she gripped the steel ledge.
"Did you know there's an organization that was founded five years ago that saves children who are targeted by shifters?" she brought up. Milo looked confused, just like the others who were listening in.
Her words piqued my interest as she got right into it.
"It's actually a little thing me and my best friends made. It's pretty established now," she admitted while she was fiddling with her phone while still maintaining her posture. She paused as if something caught her interest, and I could see from where I stood that her threatening smile was growing bigger by the second.
She uncrossed her wrists and leaned in close to show her phone to Milo at an angle only he could see. The way his eyes widened only confirmed what I was beginning to piece together, and his shocked eyes locked onto Willow's as she whispered, "What if immunity would mean you could go back to what you were doing, but instead of you hustling and fighting for survival, you were given a place to stay. A safe, respected community that would accept you. A good salary that would allow you to not worry about bills and making ends meet, and you wouldn't be a sacrificial lamb unless that was your choice in the heat of battle."
"Whatever bullshit she's trying to show you is a fucking lie!" Officer Ronald snapped.
"It's your choice who you want to believe," Willow acknowledged as she turned the phone back to face her as she leaned back once more. "Unlike him, I'm giving you an opportunity to start fresh. We wouldn't kill you. You'd swear that today's events would remain between you and the Forbidden Pack. You decide what role you want to play, major or minor, and you get to see your daughter again."
The guy next to her laughed. "You're telling me you found his daughter when you just got his name now? What a bunch of bullshit."
"Actually, Choi Ming Sung," she began and watched the way his eyes doubled in size at his obvious real name, "I did my research while I was chilling in the elevator. The moment those doors opened, I caught onto the slight magic in the air, which told me you guys were being rather naughty after waking up from your temporary slumber. From my vast personal experience from watching my own father deal with pitiful police officers who hide behind their uniform to get dirty work done like capturing mafia followers and bosses, I had a very good assumption you were working in that department, or why would you guys be so calm? Well, aside from you, Milo. You’re new."
Choi's eyes narrowed and confirmed she hit the nail on the head.
"So, with my excellent vision and other senses, I took the opportunity while my mate was enjoying your Alpha's insults to do a quick search and voila. I knew far-lefty over there was fucking useless, so there was no need for him to stick around for the plot. I kept you and cocky fucker because I really want to see what my mate can do with his talented fingers, and the only reason why Big Ass is alive is simply for entertainment."
Officer Ronald was fuming with anger, and I wondered if he'd try to shift from how red his face was. Obviously, shifting was out of the question with the ropes Saint used to secure them with, but I always wondered if any of them would be strong enough to cut through that barrier.
Willow's attention went back to Milo, and I could see his conviction was growing.
"I'll give you a minute or two," Willow suggested. "Think about it."
"If I agree, how would I re-enter society?" he asked.
"I'll explain when I know your decision," Willow replied and got up. "Can't show all my cards, Milo."
She walked over to me, and I didn't stop myself as pride flooded my expression. She noticed as she reached me, and she didn't hesitate to hug her arms around my waist and pull herself against me.
"Is Dimi gonna be mad if we bring a disciple?"