Page 7 of Wolf Awakened

"I'll heal it up in the shower."

"Should I set the winnings for tonight into the savings?"

"Sure." I shrugged. "Reserve a percent. I'm going shopping for an outfit next week."

"You're going clubbing," he automatically assumed, seeing as that was the only time I went shopping for anything relatively "female".

"Yup. Aurelia's been begging me and you know it's hard for me to say no to her. If she gets desperate enough, she'll use her voodoo spell magic on me and I'm not going to a club in an oversized suit."

"Inform me of the date when you have it. I'll ensure the VIP boutiques are secured for you," he assured me.

"You don't have to give me the celebrity treatment, you know."

"I'm aware." Those silver eyes moved to actually stare into mine. "However, if I don't, Roberto will give me shit for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, so fuck that."

"Must be hard guarding me," I said with a dramatic sigh.

"Meaning it's a pain in the ass? Yes."

"You love the thrill." I shrugged as I answered. "Did you catch those goons who tried to shoot me today?"

"You noticed?" He actually seemed impressed.

"You realize if it wasn't due to my cursed circumstances, I could easily be an assassin, right?"

"Maybe." He cracked his knuckles while looking at his black gloves. "You're clumsy at times, though. You'd fuck up pretty fast."

"You have no hope in me." I shook my head. "One day I'll change you into a bunny."

"If that's your way of trying to see some sort of cute side of me, it won't happen. I’d be a raging beast of a bunny."

When it was my turn to arch an eyebrow in question, he actually gave me one of his rare smirks as he added, "Been there, done that. The magic coven knows not to turn me into any sort of animal. It's never ended well."

"Scary," I muttered. "You're leaving?"

"When you finish showering." His eyes grew serious at the comment. "Be careful. I'm not on duty and the guards who are don't know shit."

"So the usual when you're not around. Got it," I concluded. "Business?"

"Deals and a bit of a warning."

"A bit of a warning never sounds good," I muttered, my voice barely audible. I knew all about the mafia language. Warning meant killing everyone except some innocent douche who would scurry to their boss and tell them they're fucked if they don't retreat and return what's rightful ours. A "bit" of a warning meant less casualties.

Fun shit for Viktor to do when the lower shrimp on the scale failed at doing so.

As for the deals, I'm sure it had to do with either land or drugs. Dad wasn't really into the drug market unless it was medical. In that case, he made billions in profit. Anything aside from financial gain was strict business - meaning someone walked on the wrong side of NYC and had to be taught a lesson.

That normally ended up with an abundance of gifts pleading forgiveness.

"You're right," he agreed. "However, too much shit is happening in the other states, especially as of late."

"More wolves disappearing?" I inquired, having overheard Father talk about it the other day while slicing off some guy's finger because he didn't spell his name right.

Thank God he doesn't order at Starbucks.

"Three disappeared yesterday," he grumbled as lines of annoyance took over his oval shaped face. "Trafficking contract went through."

"Who the hell fucked up there?" I questioned.