Page 160 of Wolf Awakened

"I won't judge you, Willow." His soft voice reflected the quiet vow he stated. Even with the blindfold, his seriousness still stood, leaving me wondering if it was truly okay for him to hear my slight worry.

"Onyx said he'd actually come back, right?"

"Yes," Neo replied. "He went with Viktor to check in with Roberto. He expected you to come in today and clear the air with the accident, but Onyx refused and went in person to emphasize that you'd return to work when you're ready to. He said he'd be back to help you pack."

"For sure?" I whispered so lowly, I wasn’t sure he caught it, but he reached out to hold my hand and gently squeezed it.

"For sure," he validated.

I slowly nodded and let my unsettled emotions begin to calm. There was a knock at my door, and it soon opened up with the unlocking sound of the card key, and Onyx was at the door. He noticed I was sitting on the island with Neo standing before me and his hand holding mine.

He didn't seem to mind as he closed the door and waltzed over to me just as Dimitris, Jayce, and Saint walked out of my bedroom.

"Hey, Sugar," he greeted as he reached Neo's right side. He reached out and turned my head enough to lean over to kiss me long and hard while my hand was still in Neo's. "I missed you."

"Your affection feels like a fucking trap," I voiced, but muttered, "I missed you, too."

He grinned and kissed my cheek before letting me go and looking at Neo. "Why do I have a feeling you were going to kidnap her?"

"I was," he said without skipping a beat. "Though, I asked her out."

"Asking me out and kidnapping are two different avenues," I snapped, but they were clearly not listening to me.

Onyx nodded and replied, "Cool. I'll pack her stuff seeing as she won't let anyone else do it."

"She has her own room but she can stay with you if she's more comfortable with it."

"Oh, she'll defiantly be staying with me." Onyx smiled deviously. "She has a few punishments she needs to endure from my very hands."

"Hello? Masters? I'm right here. See?" I used my free hand to wave at them. "And what the fuck am I being punished for?!"

"For scaring the shit out of me."

"That's fucking stupid!" I huffed. "Not my fault some bitch ordered a damn shit-ton of people to try and kill me on a highway. If I'm getting Onyx's hands, that means I'm getting fucked senseless for no reason."

"Affirmative," he confirmed, which made me groan.

"That bitch is going to die," I vowed. "She's still alive?"

Dimitris walked forward as he replied, "Yes. She's alive."

"Wow. You guys didn't go kill her?" I asked. "That's rather unpredictable for the Forbidden. Y'all like to act fast, don’t you? Or are you guys mixing it up with standard mafia law of ‘fuck with us now and we'll destroy your family's existence’?"

"We decided to do things differently this time," Jayce suggested.

"Being unpredictable is a good thing," Saint added.

"Excellent!" I actually squealed, which had them all looking at me like I was a maniac. I smirked and looked back at Neo. "Neo! This is the time where you kidnap me before anyone can say anything!"

"Oh," he replied, and then I was back hanging over his shoulder and halfway out the door. "Bye, guys."

"Wait a fucking minu-" Dimitris tried to say, but Neo shut the door and was heading to the elevator, which opened up automatically.

"Is the elevator possessed?"

"Nah. I warned the security that I'd be borrowing you and that may require me lifting you up like I'm kidnapping you but to not worry."

"You didn't seriously do that," I stated in pure shock.