Page 174 of Wolf Awakened

"We're going for a run."

"Then let me come," I huffed. "I need air."

"You need to be lying down and recovering after falling from the top floor of one of Wall Street’s tallest buildings," he voiced with a stern voice. "Not to mention that defensive force you pulled with Viktor and used to somehow save Roberto, which I know for sure you'll regret later on."

"Hmph." I didn’t comment on that part as Neo walked into my temporary room, a silky dark red blindfold pressed against his eyes, while his hair was still drenched from what had to have been a shower.

He was walking around in just a black towel, and I admired him from head to toe before licking my lips.

"Willow," Onyx practically growled to get my attention. "Hands off."

"What?" I reasoned and presented my hands. "My hands weren't anywhere but on my hips!"

Onyx rolled his eyes that were filled with obvious jealousy, but he didn't say anything else regarding it as he pulled his shirt over his head. "You have to stay."

"No," I declared and crossed my arms over my chest. "I'm not your bitch!"

"I could change that," he threatened.

"Try me! I’ve got loads of time today," I declared and jumped off the bed to stomp towards him.

Only to trip and face-plant on the floor.

It took only three seconds before Onyx absolutely lost himself in laughter while Neo was actually struggling to keep it together. Before I could lift my head to look up at them, they were laughing so hard, it was enough to gather Dimitris, Saint, and Jayce to come to check in on us.

"So," Saint began. "How did Willow end up on the floor?"

"I bet she tripped," Jayce guessed.

"She did trip," Dimitris confirmed. "You can see the shame in her eyes."

"Fuck off," I huffed and I scrambled up then pointed directly at Dimitris. "I'm going running with you guys and there's nothing you can do about it!"

I glared at him in defiance and he rolled his eyes before turning around.


That cut the laughter as the room grew silent and we all looked at Dimitris’s back. I was speechless, leaving Onyx no choice but to ask the prime question.

"Did you just approve of her going running with us?"

"I did," Dimitris announced. "Just the next three days," he huffed. "It's a pink moon or some shit. Someone vouched that it would be good for your recovery. Wear something you can run in and don’t you dare go running naked."

That was all he said before he was out the door and stomping down the stairs, leaving us in complete silence until Saint whistled.

"Welp. It's official," he announced. "The world is ending."

I rolled my eyes yet again, but I was beyond excited to do something other than sitting in the blank room after being out for a few hours.

"Willow," Jayce confronted. "Do you remember what happened after you fell off the building?"

"Uh…" I had to tread carefully with this and hope Onyx wouldn't pick up on the little lie. "Not really. Everything is a bit blurry. There were flames...or something that looked like flames."

"Hmm." Jayce bobbed his head. "I'll look into retrieving the videos. They're on lockdown because of the FBI and CIA investigations. I made backups of all of them, but the codes are the same so if I try to re-watch them while they're digging through, it could alert them that a duplicate was created."

"Do we have a culprit?" Saint inquired.

"I'm about to check that now," Onyx replied as he tucked his shirt into his black cargo pants before tightening his belt around the waist of his pants. "Viktor may have found something, so he's giving me the details. He'll notify Dimitris through the phone when he has the confirmation to make an attack."