Page 135 of Wolf Awakened

"You didn't win this at an auction?" I reasoned. "It's no worry if you can’t remember the year. It's old, old. How much did you win it for?"

"A few mil." His cut-throat answer was followed with, "Five million."

"That's a steal!" I emphasized and admired the painting one last time. "Paintings like these cost billions nowadays. You should wait a few years before you sell it. You'd make bank."

"Good to know," he grumbled and I began to whistle as I reached the last room I hadn't checked: the washroom.

Heading in, I noticed how steamy the room was, the walls of the clear glass shower fogged up to the max.

"Hmm. Maybe this is what's triggering the sensation of smoke. Odd," I reasoned and noticed the candle on the countertop of the sink. "Did you light the candle?"

"Yes," he answered quickly. "Helps me relax."

"Ah, I see." I nodded in understanding and tried to open the door but he moved in front of me.

"It's still wet!"

"Oh. Did you just finishing showering?" I inquired. "I only came up because the security saw you just got back. Didn't want to intrude without your permission."

"I took a shower before quickly going downstairs to see if I got a package," he declared.

"Oh. What color was it?"

"Why does that matter?"

"Some lady was complaining that her package got mixed up with another resident so I figured maybe you were a victim of that," I reasoned with a sigh. "So many damn packages come into this place. Not surprising seeing as it's all rich people who’d rather purchase online than head to the stores as winter approaches."

"Are we done here?" he said with haste. "My friend is coming here."

"Yes, yes," I replied. "If you don’t mind then, can you enter the shower and check if the vent is clear? I'll let them know that you approved that it was," I assured him. "That way we won't disturb you again tonight, especially with your friend coming over shortly."

"Sure," he huffed and quickly removed his socks. As he entered the shower, I noticed how dirty his feet were, the obvious signs of mud, soil, and a few cuts lingering at the bottom of his feet.

Enough to confirm he clearly didn't shower and head down to pick up a package.

"Bingo."It's Dimitris's voice that flooded my mind, and his announcement meant it was showtime.

"It's all clean," he announced as he turned around to open the shower door, but it was locked. "Huh? Hey, can you open this up? I think the door malfunctioned."

"Ugh. This is the problem with electric technology," I complained. "Hold on!"

I tugged on the door with loads of effort, but it didn't budge, which made me bite my lip. "Let me go get the master unlock key. It'll only take me two minutes."

"No! Y-You can’t take that long! You have to get me out now!"

"Huh, sir. I can’t. The door has malfunctioned. I need the key to-"

"NO! No, no, no. Call someone to bring it up here urgently. I'm on a time limit!"

"Why is that?" I asked. "I can let your friend know we're having an issu-"

"No friend is coming here, dammit. Get me out of here. There's a bomb! A fucking bomb!" He was obviously panicking, which revealed the truth of where he was hiding the package.

"Let me make a phone call," I reasoned, fumbling to get my phone out. "Oh. Wait! I have something," I announced and headed to the electronic touch screen that was next to the handle of the shower, my hands punching a few buttons before I scanned a code on my phone.

A code Jayce just designed.

The walls of the shower began to glow, and I nodded in approval as the glass walls began to glow a soft teal. The color reminded me of Willow's eyes, making me yearn to return and dance with her.