Page 74 of Stabby Little

"That's the most paranoid thing I've ever heard. Siri doesn't keep a record of your voice."

Finn steals a bite of Sparrow's sandwich. "I'm pretty sure she does."

"How do you know that?" Sparrow asks.

"It's in the terms and conditions," Finn deadpans, "on page 353."

"You're full of it."

"I'm not."

"You didn't read the entire Apple terms and conditions agreement. There's no way you got through that."

"I did it the night we escaped the warehouse. I hadn't used technology in years and I needed to catch up."

I fluff a pillow behind my head. "This conversation is ridiculous."

"You're the one who started it," Finn reminds me. "You said Apple keeps track of your voice."

"Of course they do." Doesn't everyone know that? "So does Amazon Alexa, Facebook Messenger, and a million other services. That's how these companies who profit off big data operate."

"You sound like a conspiracy theorist. You need to lighten up."

"I'm just saying," I begin, handing Sparrow his phone, "we can't use speech recognition software as long as the Diavolos are after us. Truthfully, we shouldn't even use phones."

"Why not?"

"Every time you use a phone you leave a digital footprint. All the Diavolos need to do is track when we connect to the Internet to hunt us down."

Finn stares out the window. "I wish we didn't have to do this shit."

"I agree." Sparrow wraps his arm around Finn's shoulders.

"It's not fair. I just want to be a normal nineteen-year-old like other boys. We shouldn't have to worry about mobsters chasing us around Manhattan."

"That's why we need to kill them first." My voice is deadly. "I made these sketches for a reason. We'll memorize them and use them to find the Diavolos."

"It's pointless." Sparrow bites his thumbnail. "They have armed guards surrounding them at all times and they're rich as shit. There's no way we can get to them."

"If Ollie could sneak into Zaire's daughter's wedding, we can be stealthy, too." Finn maintains hope. "Maybe we need disguises."

"That's not a bad idea." I set my drink on the coffee table. "The Diavolos have records of our faces and bodies because of our time in the warehouse. They've tracked our development since we were pre-teens and can likely make predictions about what we'd look like in the future. Fake identities will assist us."

"Is that special effects prosthetics shop you used open today?" Finn turns to me.

"We should use a different one."

"I'll check for shops in Manhattan." Finn cracks open his laptop. "I'll pick one far away from our apartment so no one can follow us home."

"Make sure to use the Tor browser," Sparrow tosses out.

Finn furrows his brow. "I use the private browsing function in Safari. What's Tor?"

Sparrow palms his forehead. "You can't be serious."

"What's wrong with private browsing?"

"That doesn't actually keep you safe. Your Internet provider and a million other services know it's still you."