Constantine heads to the fridge and rummages through it. He returns a moment later with cream filled pastry shells on a silver tray.
"Try one." He slides the tray toward Jagger. "My older brother is a top-notch pastry chef. When he's not in the kitchen, he's watching Mary Barry videos and dreaming of his favorite desserts."
Jagger bites into the cannoli. "This is phenomenal. It sounds like your brother’s dedicated to his craft.”
"Yes." Constantine nods as he picks up a pasty. "His previous partner broke up with him because of his obsession. But his new boy encourages his cooking and adores his treats."
"I can tell,” I say. "Benedetto needs to open his own restaurant. It'd be the hottest place in NYC."
Constantine's eyes go dark. "The Diavolos would bomb it to shit. They already burnt down our liquor store we used as a foreign weapons drug front three months ago. There's no chance they'd let that stand."
"Who's Benedetto's partner?" Jagger takes a sip of vodka. "I need to write him a personalized thank you note for getting your brother to cook again."
"His name is Callum." Constantine slides a picture across the coffee table. "Benedetto rescued him after he crawled out of an alley next to the Diavolos' warehouse. They were an unlikely match, but they've been together ever since."
My blood boils when I pick up the picture.
This is the same boy in the video on the USB drive.
Jagger says nothing—but the expression on his face lets me know he's thinking the exact same thing.
Before either of us can speak, Constantine's front door swings open. Three rowdy boys burst into the living room and rush to Constantine's side.
"Daddy." Arlo buries Constantine in a hug. "I can't believe you made us return home early from the Alien Museum. Me, Callum, and Rusty were having so much fun."
Constantine pulls Arlo onto his lap. "Daddy apologizes, sweet one. His enemies are lurking in the city and he needed to make sure you were safe."
The red-haired one sticks out his tongue. "You're not nice."
Gianluca marches to the boy's side. "That's not nice to say to my brother."
"Arlo was teaching me about UFOs." The red-haired boy stomps his feet. "I was finally starting to believe in aliens."
I stand up and shake Gianluca's hand. "I didn't realize I forced you to return home early."
Gianluca grips my hand. "Don't worry about it. Our safety is far more important than a trip to the museum."
Callum shakes his head. "The aliens would've kept us safe. That's what Arlo said."
"Aliens need humans to play their part to keep the world safe." A big, burly man who I recognize as Benedetto pats Callum's head. "We must take preventative measures to stay out of harm's way. We can't rely on aliens to rescue us at the last minute."
I look at the Ferrari brothers and their partners. Gianluca's an imposing figure with a chiseled body and an expensive watch. He looks every bit like the top cardiologist he is during the day.
Benedetto is a fluffy man with a belly and a fierce expression in his eyes. No hint of the pastry chef extraordinaire remains in his prescient gaze. He's all business: the concern he has regarding the information Jagger and I brought is palpable.
"Head to Arlo's room, boys." Benedetto pinches Callum's bum. "You can come out when we call you."
Callum makes a frowny face. "I want to hear your adult discussion, Daddy. I'm not a child."
Benedetto issues Callum a stern look. "You're acting like a child right now by not obeying your Daddy."
Callum lets out a mopey sigh. "Fine. We'll use our alien coloring books until you beckon us."
"Can we eat cannoli?" the redhead queries.
Benedetto let out a growl. "No. That's for the adults."
"You said we could have some," Callum sniffles, staring at the floor. "My tummy's hungry."