‘Oh, it was totally wonderful, wasn’t it, love?’ Elsie turned to Ian.

‘Yes, it was. The sonographer let us into the room, and we got to see the beautiful little mite.’ Ian wiped his eyes with a blue handkerchief.

‘He or she, we don’t know yet, was dancing around, waving their little arms in the air and kicking their legs. Ian thinks Daisy’s having a boy. You said the baby had strong little footballer legs, didn’t you?’ Elsie grasped Ian’s hand, bringing it to her lips and kissing him.

‘Whether they’re a boy or a girl, it’s going to be a strong’un, that’s for sure.’ Ian slipped his handkerchief back into his pocket.

‘Did they get a photo?’ Wendy smiled.

‘Yes, Ollie gave us one, too. Do you want to see?’ Putting her handbag on the counter, Elsie opened it and pulled out a small black and white scan photo.

‘Aw, that’s so cute!’ Picking it up, Brooke looked at the photo before passing it across to Molly.

‘Oh, look, he or she looks as though they’re waving.’ Turning the photo around to show everyone, Molly pointed to a tiny hand held above the baby’s head.

‘That’s what Daisy said, wasn’t it, love?’ Elsie looked at Ian.

Nodding, Ian grinned. ‘I don’t know how we’re going to cope with the wait to meet them.’

‘Do you think they’ll find out if they’re having a boy or a girl? Is that at the next scan when they can tell them that?’ Taking the photo, Diane squinted at it.

‘I believe so, yes, love. I’m not sure if they’ll choose to find out or not, though. I think Daisy wants to know, but Ollie wants to leave it as a surprise.’ After the photo had been passed around, Elsie slipped it carefully back into her bag.

‘I think I’d find out. Just so I could get everything ready in time. You know, get the right clothes and decorate the nursery and that.’ Diane nodded.

‘I don’t know. I think I’d wait and have the surprise on the day.’ Brooke looked at Wendy. ‘Did you find out with Hudson?’

‘Yes, I did. Just so like Diane said, I could get everything ready and decide on a name and that. If I had another though, I’m not sure if I would. I think I’d quite fancy a surprise.’ Wendy grinned.

‘That’s cool. You’d have experienced both ways then.’ Brooke nodded.

‘Are we going to be expecting some more happy news soon, then?’ Ian raised an eyebrow.

Blushing, Wendy tucked her hair behind her ear. ‘Not yet, no. I mean, we’ve spoken about it, but we’re not even married yet.’

‘You want me to have a word with my nephew? Is that what you’re saying?’ Ian chuckled.

‘No! That’s not what I meant.’

‘I know, love. I’m just pulling your leg.’ Chuckling, Ian patted Wendy’s hand.

‘Right, I suppose I’d better get on. I see you’ve had a bit of a rush this lunchtime then?’ Elsie nodded towards the pile of empty trays.

‘Yes, it’s been pretty crazy.’ Brooke passed the trays to Elsie.

‘Good, good, that’s what we like, isn’t it?’ Elsie took the trays. ‘Thanks, love. I’ll go and get started on some more baking.’

‘Yes, sorry, every time I went to escape into the kitchen to do some baking, I had another few customers turn up.’ Teresa grimaced.

‘Don’t worry, love. I didn’t expect you to juggle the coffee and cake area and the baking. Thank you for trying, though.’ Elsie rubbed Teresa on the arm before turning and making her way to the kitchen with Ian.

‘Don’t any of you go telling Harry how cute Daisy and Ollie’s baby scan was, please? I’m begging you.’ Diane grimaced.

‘Ha-ha, is he getting broody again?’ Wendy grinned.

‘Isn’t he always? I tell you, I’d have had an entire football team of kids if that man had his own way.’ Shaking her head, Diane laughed before glancing down. ‘Oh, I missed an empty tray.’

‘I’ll take it, if you like? I could do with grabbing a glass of water.’ Nina held out her hand for the tray.