Placing the jars and shakers on the table, Nina walked across to Rowan and put her arm around his waist.

‘Hi again.’ Kissing the top of her head, he placed his hand in the small of her back and pointed to the colour swatches covering the table. ‘Do you see a colour you like for our future nursery?’

Laughing, Nina looked across at him. ‘Oh, you’re being serious.’

Tilting his head from side to side, Rowan grinned. ‘Why not?’

‘Why not, indeed? Let me think.’ Leaning forward, she swept her eyes across the different colours before picking up a peaceful green one. ‘How about this one? It’s very close to the colour on the wallpaper in the bedroom I’ve been staying in upstairs.’

Taking the swatch, Rowan nodded. ‘I like that.’

‘It’s decided then. Wedding, house and kids.’ Nina nodded.

‘Absolutely. I hear summer is a good time for a beach wedding.’

Laughing, she kissed him on the lips. ‘I can’t tell if you’re being serious or not.’

‘I almost proposed once before, remember?’

‘That’s true.’ She nodded. ‘I think a summer beach wedding sounds perfect.’

‘Right, you lovely lot. Grubs up, come and help yourselves.’ Elsie called from the doorway into the kitchen before walking across to the table and peering at the colour swatches. ‘Ooh, are these the colours you’re choosing between for Bump’s nursery?’

‘Yes.’ Daisy rubbed her bump. ‘We’re having a tough time choosing, though.’

‘I don’t blame you, love. You’ve got some beautiful colours there.’ Elsie picked up swatch after swatch. ‘Umm.’

‘Here’s another one.’ Rowan placed the swatch he and Nina had been looking at back down on the table.

‘That’s a very serene and peaceful colour. It’s the same colour as the birds on the wallpaper in your room, isn’t it, Nina?’ Elsie tapped her finger against the swatch.

‘Yes, that’s what Nina said.’ Rowan grinned.

‘Did you? You’ve got a keen eye too, then.’ Elsie rubbed Nina’s forearm and smiled. ‘Come on then, let’s get our food before it gets cold.’

‘It smells delicious.’ Rowan grinned.

‘Itisdelicious.’ Connor grinned as he helped Hudson carry his plate back to the table.

‘Well done, Huddy. You’ve got lots of yummy carrots on your plate today. They’ll help you see in the dark.’ Elsie lifted Hudson up onto a chair.

‘I told him to get lots of carrots. I’m doing an experiment.’ Pippa hurried past Connor and slid her plate onto the table next to Hudson’s.

‘Is that right? I see you have a lot of carrots, too.’ Elsie pulled Pippa’s chair out for her.

‘Yep, I do. I have a wobbly tooth. Look.’ Opening her mouth, Pippa tugged at one of her front teeth. ‘When it falls out, I’ll put it under my pillow for the tooth fairy.’


Holding her hand around her mouth, Pippa looked around her before lowering her voice to a stage-whisper. ‘I’m eating lots of carrots, so I will be able to see the tooth fairy in the dark and ask her for five pounds instead of one.’

‘Five pounds?’ Elsie held up five fingers.

‘Yes.’ Pippa nodded seriously. ‘I’ll draw you a picture to show you what she looks like when I see her.’

‘I’d like that. Thank you.’ Elsie smiled.

‘Now, remember, Huddy, you need to eat all your carrots so you’ll be able to see the tooth fairy when your teeth fall out. Okay?’ Pippa looked at Hudson.