Chapter Twenty Five
Standing up, she shruggedback into her coat, the chill from the earlier rain seeping into her bones already. She couldn’t sit in the dark any longer. Pulling the chair away from the door, she opened the door and paused. This was a really daft idea. She knew that. But it had to be better than sitting alone in the dark. She couldn’t do that. She just couldn’t.
Bracing herself, she turned her torch app on again and stepped outside, clicking the door locked behind her. Her hood was blown off immediately, and she closed her eyes against the grains of sand being blown into her face by the wind. This was it. She’d made her choice and, being as she hadn’t brought her key with her, there was no going back.
Staying as close to the buildings and as far away from the water being propelled above and over the seawall as she could, she began walking towards the bottom of the hill, gripping the streetlamps and benches to help her battle against the wind.
As she turned up the hill, she was grateful that the fierce wind was now behind her and working with her rather than against her. As she neared the pub, she jumped into the road, narrowly missing a large branch as it was torn from a tree.
A few more steps and she’d be there. Just a few more. Without warning, her phone battery died, the light disappearing.
Gripping hold of the door handle to the pub, she twisted it in her hand. Nope, it wasn’t budging. They’d locked up for the night. Of course they had. She knocked on the large wooden door. Nothing. Hammering with her fists, Nina hoped she would be heard. She hoped Rowan had stayed downstairs. She didn’t stand much of a chance at all if he was in the flat above.
It was no use. Why had she left the bakery? Yes, it had been dark, but it had been dark and enclosed. Out here, it was still dark, but she was out in the storm, too. Taking a deep breath, she beat against the door as hard as she could before sinking to the concrete doorstep. It was no good. She’d be out here all night.
A loud creak sounded behind her, and she fell inside as the door was pulled open.
‘Nina! What on earth?’ Gripping her beneath the armpits, Rowan pulled her to standing and forced the door shut again before turning to her. ‘Did you walk from the bakery in this? Why?’
Bringing her hands to her mouth, she blew on her fingers. ‘Elsie got stranded at Diane’s and...’ She shrugged.
‘The power’s out.’ Rowan nodded.
She looked around the pub. A handful of candlelit lanterns stood on the bar illuminating the immediate area with a warm welcoming glow. The fire roared in the hearth too, casting a warmth through the pub. ‘It looks as though you’re prepared.’
Rowan shrugged. ‘Gerald keeps all sorts in the back room. Let me take your coat. You must be freezing.’
‘A little.’ She laughed, her teeth chattering. She watched as he hung her coat by the fire before bringing her into a hug and rubbing his hands up and down her arms in an attempt to warm her up.
‘Grab a chair in front of the fire and I’ll get you my coat.’
Nodding, she did as she was instructed and sank into an old armchair by the fire, holding her hands out towards the warmth.
‘There you go.’ Rowan wrapped his coat around her shoulders before perching on the arm of the chair and kissing the top of her head.
‘You’re not mad at me?’ She looked up at him.
‘Yes, but I still love you.’
Sighing, she leaned her head against his side. ‘I really only want the best for you. I’m pushing you into taking that job offer because I want you to be happy.’
‘I am happy.’