The second she felt the warmth of his lips against hers, the shrill ringtone of her mobile rang through the quiet street. Sighing, she pulled it from her coat pocket. ‘Sorry, I need to answer this.’

‘I’ll walk on and get us a table.’ Rowan nodded in the direction of the restaurant.

‘Okay, thanks.’ Nina smiled before answering her mobile. ‘Hi, Gran.’

‘Hello, Nina, darling. How is your stay in Penworth Bay going? Are you still volunteering in that little bakery?’

Nina smiled. It was good to hear her voice. ‘It’s not as little as I thought it would be. They do all sorts there, there’re tables and chairs where customers can order coffees and cakes. There’s even a wedding planning department. It’s brilliant.’

‘Oh good. You’re enjoying yourself, then?’

‘Yes. The rest of the staff are just super lovely, and the customers are really nice, too. Everyone’s made me feel so welcome.’ Should she tell her that she’s working alongside Brooke?

‘You sound happy.’

‘I am, and you’ll never guess who is living in the bay.’ Nina watched as Rowan paused at the bottom of the hill, turning around and waving to her before disappearing along the seafront.

‘Go on...’

‘Rowan. He’s working at the pub here.’ Nina grinned.

‘Your Rowan? What a small world it is. Have you spoken to him?’

Nina looked down at the ground and kicked at a small stone. ‘We’re kind of dating again.’

‘Dating? Oh, Nina, he broke your heart last time. Please be careful.’

Nina closed her eyes. She could hear the concern in her gran’s voice. ‘It’s okay. It wasn’t him. He hadn’t done anything wrong. It’s a long story and I’ll explain it all to you, but things are going really well.’

‘In that case, I’m pleased for you. For both of you. I always said you two were a good fit, didn’t I?’

‘Yes, you did.’

‘Did you manage to speak to Ian? How did he take the news? Did he understand?’ Her gran’s voice faltered.

‘I haven’t had the chance to speak to him yet. I will, though. I promise.’

‘That’s okay, darling. I don’t want to make things difficult for you. Your trip is as much a chance for you to have a holiday as it is about... everything else. Have you met him?’

‘Yes, I’ve met him and he seems really kind.’ Nina plunged her free hand into her pocket.

‘He always was.’

‘I’ll talk to him today.’

‘Only if you can.’

‘I will, Gran. Love you.’

‘Love you too, darling. Take care.’

Nina held the phone against her ear long after her gran had gone. She missed her. And she needed to speak to Ian. Today. Now. Elsie had told her that he was taking her out straight after closing so it would have to be now. Looking at her phone, she scrolled through to Rowan’s name and pressedCall.

‘Hey, Nina. I’ve got us a table overlooking the beach. It’s inside and nice and warm too.’

‘Rowan, I’m really sorry, but there’s something I need to do right now. Do you mind if we catch up later instead?’ She closed her eyes, sensing his disappointment.

‘Right, yes, that’s fine. Is everything okay?’