Chapter Thirteen
Nina smiled as shechecked her mobile.
‘What are you grinning about?’ Diane slid a full tray of freshly baked cookies beneath the counter.
‘Rowan’s just messaged, asking if I want to meet him for a walk at lunchtime.’
‘In this weather?’ Diane shuddered as she looked out of the window.
Following her gaze, Nina shrugged. It looked dreary and cold, but it wasn’t raining. ‘It’s not raining.’
‘That’s true. You can take your break now if you like? Go for your walk before it starts hammering it down.’
‘Are you sure?’ Nina looked from Diane to Brooke and back again.
‘Fine by me. I’m planning to hole up in the kitchen next to the oven on my lunch break.’ Diane laughed.
‘And I’m going to the lighthouse to have lunch with Ian, but that’s not until two.’ Brooke smiled as she turned back to serve a customer before calling over her shoulder, ‘Oh, by the way, me and Max are going bowling tonight if you want to come? You could ask Rowan, too. It might be a chance for you two to spend some more time together?’
‘Okay, thanks. I’ll ask him.’ Grinning, Nina swapped her apron for her coat and stepped outside. Diane had been right; it was still cold. It actually felt colder than it had this morning. Not that she’d been outside until now. Shivering, she zipped her coat up and began walking quickly across the cobbles. Rowan had messaged to say he’d meet her on the beach.
AS SHE STEPPED ONTOthe sand, she pulled her scarf tighter around her neck. Closer to the ocean, the wind seemed stronger, carrying with it delicate sprays of ocean water, covering her coat and face with a glistening sheen.
Turning, she smiled as she watched Rowan jog towards her. ‘I thought you’d be coming from that way.’ She nodded towards the steps leading down from the promenade at the foot of the hill.
‘I did, but I thought I’d run up and buy us some doughnuts. I remember seaside doughnuts were always your favourite.’ Grinning, he opened a paper bag, the steam rising quickly dispersed as it hit the cool air.
‘Ooh, yes, they’re definitely my favourite. Thank you.’ Taking a doughnut, she bit into it, savouring the warm and sugary goodness. ‘That’s so good.’
Taking one from the bag, he popped it in his mouth. ‘Umm, they are.’
‘Did you just eat it whole? Like in one go?’ Nina laughed.
Shrugging, he grinned before popping another in his mouth. ‘You know me.’
‘What an absolute waste of a good doughnut. A better than good doughnut.’ Shaking her head, she grinned. She’d forgotten his gift of making food disappear in one go. She watched as he swallowed, the doughnut gone, a shimmering coating of sugar clinging to his lips, the only sign he’d had two at all. She brushed the pad of her index finger against his lips. ‘You’ve got a bit of sugar...’
‘I can think of a better way of dealing with that.’ Grinning, he leaned forward, his lips touching hers.
As they kissed, she wrapped her hands around his neck. Pulling away, she licked her lips and laughed. ‘Umm, tasty.’
‘Ha-ha. Maybe we could kiss after I’ve eaten lunch too. Tuna and cheese melt, yum.’
‘Ergh, no thanks. You know how much I can’t stand tuna.’ She shuddered. ‘Yuck.’
Laughing, he scrunched up the empty paper bag and slipped it into his pocket before laying his arm around her shoulders.