‘Get those answer sheets in and then I won’t have to.’ Gerald looked across to Rowan. ‘Don’t be shy, pass them to Rowan who will be deputy quizmaster and mark them tonight.’

‘I’ll go. Shall I grab more drinks, too? Everyone want the same cocktail?’ Standing up, Diane picked up the answer sheet and the empty jug before looking across at Daisy. ‘Do you want another orange juice?’

‘Could I have an apple juice this time, please?’

‘Ha-ha, apple it is.’ Turning, Diane headed to the bar.

‘I wonder what this surprise is?’ Ollie downed the last of his drink.

‘Umm, free drinks for all?’ Teresa raised her eyebrows.

‘This is Gerald we’re talking about. It pains him enough to give free drinks to the winning team. We’re lucky we get these card coasters on the tables.’ Holding one of the worn, soggy card coasters up, Freya laughed.

‘That’s very true! He’s probably decided to change the prize to a packet of peanuts for the winning team to share.’ Teresa rolled her eyes.

‘Have you had any luck on the wedding front yet, Connor?’ Jessie, who was sitting opposite Nina with her partner Simon, tapped her fingers against the tabletop.

‘I’m happy to report there may be a chink in the armour appearing.’ Laying his palms against the surface of the table, Connor grinned.

‘Really? Wow, how did you manage that?’ Jessie’s eye widened as everyone else around the table leaned forward, conversation stalled at the news.

‘Whose wedding?’ Nina frowned.

‘Of course, sorry, you probably don’t know. Elsie and Ian basically fell in love with each other decades ago, but neither one would admit it to the other because they were really good friends and neither of them wanted to jeopardise that.’ Connor grimaced.

‘And then at Christmas time last year, Ian was inside the old surf shop, which is now Daisy and Ollie’s restaurant, and a storm pulled it down. He got trapped.’ Freya looked across the table. ‘And if it hadn’t been for Scott and Olivia here rescuing him...’ She shuddered.

‘Anyway, they both finally admitted how they felt about each other, so now we’re really hoping they don’t waste another umpteen years before they finally tie the knot.’ Olivia grinned.

‘Oh wow. Judging by the way they act together, I assumed they’d been together years.’ Nina took a sip of her drink.

‘That’s what’s so frustrating. We just want to see them happy.’ Freya sighed before looking across at Connor. ‘Go on then, what have you heard?’

‘Nothing concrete, so I don’t want to get your hopes up, but last week I caught them talking about the future.’ Connor shrugged.

‘What about the future?’ Olivia frowned.

‘I’m not sure. They ended the conversation when they saw me coming. Looking back, I’m wondering if they were talking about your baby...’ He nodded towards Daisy and Ollie. ‘But of course, I didn’t know anything about the pregnancy at the time, but I don’t know, I’m wondering if your announcement may just give them the push they need.’

‘What’s this?’ Placing the jug of orange cocktail on the table, Diane flopped into her seat. ‘You think Elsie and Ian might actually set a date?’

‘Maybe. I don’t know. Something’s definitely going on. There have been a few times over the last couple of weeks when they’ve changed the conversation when I’ve walked in.’ Standing up, Connor began refilling glasses.

‘Thanks.’ Nina nodded as he refilled hers.

‘Ooh, I’ve had that, too. Last week, when I walked into the kitchen, they suddenly stopped talking. I thought it was really weird at the time as usually they’re so open with everyone and then after your announcement,’ Diane pointed to Ollie and Daisy, ‘I just assumed they’d been talking about the baby, but maybe they’re making plans. Ooh, do you really think it is? Do you think we’ll all be bridesmaids?’

Freya laughed. ‘There’re quite a lot of us! If we were, Elsie’s entourage would be bigger than the congregation.’

‘True. But she did say we would be. Oh, I hope we will. I hope she wasn’t joking.’ Diane grinned.

‘I guess we’ll just have to wait and see. They’ll let us know in their own time.’ Freya nodded her thanks to Connor as he refilled her glass.

‘That’ll be in ten years, then.’ Diane sighed.

‘It might not. Connor might be right.’ Wendy yawned. ‘Sorry, I’m shattered today.’

‘Attention, please.’ Gerald tapped the microphone as a piercing screech filled the pub. ‘While the deputy quizmaster is busy marking your answers and working out which one of you lot has won the most prestigious pub quiz in the bay...’