I settled in for a long wait, refusing to sleep in case I missed her. I would protect her even if it was from afar.
Maybe this wasn’t such a great idea, I thought, the landscape zipping by under me and my wings tiring by the minute. While Nasi said I’d made good strides, it was clear my wings still weren’t where they needed to be. I’d only been flying a few hours before my muscles cramped up, demanding I rest. I found the flattest bit of rock I could on the nearby mountain, and attempted a landing.
I hadn’t worked on this much with Nasi, so I wasn’t shocked when I bungled it. I came in too fast, and at the wrong angle. My feet accidentally dragged down, clipping a rock and sending pain rocketing up through my body. I teetered through the air, out of control and spinning. I hit a blessedly flat bit of rock hard, tumbling to a stop on my stomach with my limbs and wings splayed everywhere.
In my head, Nasi was trying hard not to laugh at me. My heart ached at the thought.
You’ll be back. It’s fine.
My wings throbbed, so I curled into myself and closed my eyes. Just a quick rest, and then I’d be on my way.
* * *
I was hot. Really hot.
My eyes shot open, and I hissed a curse as the bright morning sun blared in my face. I skittered backwards into the shade of an outcropping of rocks above me.
Just great.
It looked to be mid-morning, though I was never the best at judging the angle of the sun.
Now what?
I couldn’t very well prance down onto the road as a draken. I’d need better clothes than the tied scraps Nasi had given me, for one thing. And a new plan, for another. Unless I wanted to sit here and simply wait for night to fall.
I peeked out from the shade, seeing nothing but more desolate desert ahead of me. My shoulders crumpled. Had I made any progress at all?
I’d simply have to fly until I was unable, then rest. I’d sleep where I could. It wasn’t the best plan, but it was the only one I had.
I took a deep draught from the waterskin, not scenting any water nearby. Nasi taught me how to scent it out. I just needed to remember to be on the lookout.
I could do this. I could travel alone and not get myself killed.
Pushing off from the rock, I jumped back into the sky.
* * *
I was exhausted, but thrilled at the progress I’d made after several days of keeping up my pattern. After seeing nothing but farms for ages, a small collection of houses finally dotted the landscape in front of me. Off in the distance, I could see densely clustered buildings. If I squinted enough, I even imagined I could see the castle.
I wasn’t far. I could glide, land, and walk in through the gates. I was sure some kind woman would be willing to give me a dress and a bite to eat in exchange for some of the king’s gold. Once I got to the castle and could repay them, of course.
Alright. Time to go.
Gliding wasn’t nearly as hard on my wings as active flying, but I was still sore. I kept high and wide, not wanting to draw any attention in the air from anyone on the ground. From far enough away, I might appear as a large hawk.
Ha. If only.
When I drew level with the city, I glided down the mountain and landed with a bit more dignity than the last several times. I grinned at my accomplishment, then glanced behind me to see the pride that I knew would be shining in Nasi’s eyes.
Oh. Right. He wasn’t here.
I shook myself off and shifted into my human form, acutely aware of the small band covering my breasts and the short skirt I wore. If my father saw me like this, he’d have a heart attack. I would need to find some clothes quickly and shoes.