The town itself had been full of life and vigor. The homes of the nobles that sat outside the palace walls were cold and silent, surrounded by stone and marble. It was eerie. I realized I’d never thought about where the nobles lived. They all had quarters at the palace, so why the need for the mansions? It seemed wasteful.
“That one was mine. Now it sits empty. Alfred is a fool.”
I side-eyed Materi. Saying that at court was a guaranteed way to be thrown into prison. I at least knew that much. I didn’t say anything as we kept walking. It was eerie how quiet it was. Did nobody actually live in these mansions? Why couldn’t those sick and starving in the main square have them? It all seemed entirely wasteful.
Materi paused behind a large wall, guards standing at attention before the gate and bridge that led into the castle. With confidence he strode toward them, gesturing to me.
“Gentlemen! I have brought an important guest here to see the king. She insists I escort her.”
Materi bowed low to them, his hands clasped in front of him. One guard shot another a look. I rolled my eyes as their gazes looked me over head to toe, weighing whether or not to believe Materi.
Materi stood, grinning like mad at one of the guards.
“I do think I saw him somewhere in the castle,” said one.
They kept eyeing us warily. I didn’t have time for this.
“Oh for the sake of the gods, it’sme, Princess Kaida.” I ripped the veil from my head and glared at them, holding my arms out dramatically.
The guards jerked, then almost ran into each other in their haste to move aside.
“Apologies. We can escort—”
“That won’t be necessary,” I interrupted. “Materi. Let’s go.” The older man shot a look at the guards, then scurried to my side. As we walked on the long bridge, his eyes narrowed thoughtfully.
“You are much different than you were,” he said simply, causing me to pause.
“What do you mean? What do you know of me?” I questioned, honestly curious.
He shrugged. “I have been to the palace many times obviously. I practically watched you grow up. Do you still sing? You were very talented but you always seemed … small. Diminished.” Materi smiled. “Now you are not.”
I blinked and frowned. “You seem very against me returning to my father, but you’re here with me anyway.”
Materi grinned as he simply stood at my side. “I have someone I’ve been meaning to check up on. You offered me the perfect chance.”
I scowled but followed behind him. We didn’t make it far until we were accosted by an entire retinue of guards. And my lady’s maid, Selena.
“Great gods. Itistrue.” Her hands went to her face, covering her mouth. Materi’s went wide at seeing her, but it only lasted a moment until his face went blank.
I expected the shock and disbelief from Selena. What I didn’t expect was for her to grab me by the elbow and haul me inside. I shot indignant looks at the guards, but they weren’t looking at me. They were looking everywhere and anywhere else as if expecting trouble. Materi snuck in beside me, practically vibrating with glee.
“Selena!” I chastised. “Wha—”
“Hush! I know this is … unorthodox, but you must stay quiet. You must come with me,” she pleaded, silencing me and rushing us through the servants entrance instead of going down the main hall. Darkness closed in around us in the musty crawl space, used by servants to move more quickly around the castle without getting in the way. Materi sniffed, then sneezed. Selena shot him a glare.
“Do I know you?” she asked him.
I grabbed her hand. “What’s all this about?”
Selena wrung her hands, clearly torn. “The king was a mess after you left. Went on a rampage and destroyed most of his rooms. Refused audiences. Tried to declare war on Cilla despite the fact we don’t even have anarmy. Then he tried to force a draft. The nobles had to confine him to his apartments, hoping he’d come to his senses. He stayed locked in his rooms for two weeks, then came out offering your hand in marriage to anyone who brought you back.” Selena eyed Materi suspiciously. “Anyone.”
Materi wrinkled his nose. “None of that. I’m just here to check on family.” His eyes bore through Selena, but she only blinked at him.
I shook my head, not having room in my brain for strange old men and their even stranger businesses.
“Ok, but no one rescued me. I rescued myself,” I insisted. Not technically true, but thinking about Nasi only emphasized the hole in my heart. Wait, maybe that was it! If Nasi came to officially claim me, but my father’s own word he could marry me! Perhaps I was able to have the best of both worlds!
Selena’s arm on mine shook me out of my fantasies. “We need to sneak you up to the king’s apartment to see if you can snap him out of it so that he can call this nonsense off. If any noble sees you, he’s going to claim you for himself. Follow me. We must make haste because news of your arrival has undoubtedly already spread. The guards are worse than the serving girls with gossip.”