Page 65 of The Lost Nation

The human leaders looked aghast as draken, witch, and unicorn bled out in front of them. Conan stabbed a knife into the vampyre's chest, then did his own. I fell to my knees, and began pulling from my people. Next to me, I knew Conan, Beros, and Astrid were doing the same. The humans watched with horror and fascination.

We could only hope the combined power of our people was enough to combat the pain and suffering Severn and the Overlord had inflicted on Dorea.

It was laughable how worried the humans had been overtheirsafety in coming down here.Wewere the ones draining the life energy of our entire race to try to make the continent safer forthem.

At least Georg and Kali looked properly awed by it.

“Humans, prepare to channel.” Nuva intoned.

Kali’s mouth opened, but she didn’t have time to ask any questions before the combined power of four different races slammed into the three humans, bringing them to their knees.

Nuva waved her hands through the air, weaving and twining us all together. “Suffering that is freely given... heal the wounds left by the cries of the innocent.”

Kali and Georg screamed...or was it me? Perhaps we were all screaming. I wasn’t a stranger to pain, but the agony racing through my veins wasn’t the temporary sting of blade against was an unrelenting pull on my very soul. It was a deep ache that felt as though I was turned inside out and dragged over razor-sharp rocks.

I couldn’t evendieto make this enchantment work—suffering was a critical part.Death would beeasier, after all;a release from the pain that required little fighting.

Unlike this battle. To work, we had to go nearly insane with pain.

Beros’s large form collapsed fully to the ground, his hooves sparking against the stone as he fell. Conan was still on his knees, but screaming. The vampyre looked dead. Astrid's eyes were glowing, her face twisted but withstanding the pain like I'd only ever seen females do.

The humans were bleeding.

“Just a bit longer. Then—”

“Make it stop!”

Nuva screamed as Dante darted from the circle, breaking the chain of magick. She shrieked in warning, but it was too late. The magick was unstable, and sought out the weakest link it could find—the unattached Dante. It slammed into his side, and knocked him into the white chasm. The sacrifice it wanted.

“NOBODY MOVE!” Nuva ordered, and we all were slammed in the ground as the magick became too much to channel between too few individuals. My tattoos and sigils flared in distress, unable to handle the load. Kali’s crown melted on her head, and Georg’s eyes were wide with terror.

Yet no one moved.

My eyes were wet, but I wasn’t crying. It was hard to see, so I tried to blink the moisture away. A glance at Conan showed blood leaking from his eyes.


I fell over on my side, darkness closing in. I refused to drain any more from my people, in case I tooktoomuch. Ronan fell, and crawled to my side. I tried to push him away, but he threw himself on top of me. He screamed as the magick gleefully used him as another conduit. My vision cleared slightly.

It still wasn’t enough. We needed someone else.

There was a cry from Kali as her man—I hadn’t caught his name—threw himself into the spot vacated by Dante. Kali moaned, unable to even reach for him.

He cried out as soon as the magick hit him, but didn’t flinch any further. My respect for him rose significantly. He yelled through his suffering, gritting his teeth.

“My grandfather was from Cantrada!" He screamed. "He gave his life so my father and my mother could escape their slave training house, and flee to Aldur.Fuckthe Overlord!”

I resolved to find out his name if we all survived this.

“Steady now. It will get worse.” Nuva warned.

Oh gods above, why did the witch have to saythat? There were screams and cries as the magick intensified. There was a massive rumble from above, but we couldn’t stop. Not now—not when we were so close.

“The price must be paid for the balance to be restored. Do you accept this price?” Nuva demanded.

Price? Whatprice? And would Ronan and Ibothhave to pay it, or just me?

“YES! Anything to make itstop!” Sobbed Kali, and Georg yelled his agreement as well. The man next to Kali grunted his assent, and I managed to twist my head to the other magickals.