Page 62 of The Lost Nation

I pushed back that tears that threatened to spill.“Then join us.”

Zara whistled, and her fighters fell in with mine. I fought the rising tightness in my chest at such loyalty, using it to bolster my courage.

Be strong. For everyone.

We paused before the massive gates of the demon fortress, but not because of fear or any change of heart.

There was already an entire army camped outside.


The other armyturned as one to face us, and I strangled my magick as it fought to break free. The other armylookedhuman, but different than any men I had seen before—definitely not from Cantrada. Their skin was too dark, and theirarmor and weapons were old in fashion and appearance.

“Please, allow me to speak with your leader.” I yelled over the confusion, latent magick allowing my voice to carry.

A young boy no more than fifteen or sixteen rode out to greet me on a large beast with a leathery hide. It grunted at me, and the boy patted its side tenderly before sparing me a glance. I had heard rumors of the Qarg beasts who roamed the mountains, but never believed they actually existed. Whowerethese people?

“We have no quarrel with you,” I began. “But we seek to claim one of my men who was captured by the black draken who resides in these halls.”

The boy straightened and his dark eyes went cold.Though he was young, he'd clearly already seen his share of death and suffering.I steeled my nerves to meet his fury.

“It seems we have something in common," he said in a strong voice. "I have also had someone taken from me. Someoneverydear.”

Interesting. I considered them, careful in the face of an unknown entity. I would be stupid to underestimate him, or the fighters at his side. People did it often enough to me, after all.

His men were clean and dressed simply, but had the look of a people who had seen much and struggled. Their armor looked thick, but cracked with age and the leathers squeaking with misuse. My best guess would be that these were the legendary mountain men, but they looked far too ...civilized.

Either way, it didn’t matter. Any ally was welcome if it fought against the Demon King.

Our eyes locked in mutual pain and fear, and I grinned. “Join us, won’t you? We will take back what is rightfully ours.”

He stared at my outstretched hand, and dark skin met light as we shook. He gave a war cry, and the voices of hundreds of fighters—Aldurian, pirates, and mountain folk roared back, gathering together with enthusiasm.

“Georg.” He said pumping y hand one last time.

“Kali.” I offered back.

As our hands released, a plume of dust appeared behind my men. “Who couldthatbe?” I shouted, and clicked at my horse.Everyone was already here, weren't they? Georg dismounted his beast, and gave him to one of the older men.

“I have an idea,” Georg muttered darkly, before whistling and urging his mount forward.I clicked my heels, and we dove through my own ranks, quickly emerging from the rear to greet the new threat.

Their banners broke the horizon before their heads, the bronze and maroon of Cantrada flying proudly.

“Now it’s a party,” Georg remarked from beside me.

We both kicked our horse, and together went off to meet the Cantradian army, and whoever it was that led them.

Chapter 27


“Ihope you know whatthefuckyou’re doing.”

Conan looked mildly panicked, and I couldn’t blame him. A quick peek over the front battlement showed literally the combined human forces at our front doorstep, pissed as hell.

I turned slowly, glaring a hole in the back of Ronan’s head. He took a nervous breath, but seemed unsurprised by the sudden deluge of forces.

"Ronan," I growled.