The world tilted as more rock fell, and knocked me away from Benedict. Agony assaulted me as my wings were pinned, then my legs until I was buried to my waist. The collapsed showed no signs of letting up.Pain pain PAIN. When would it cease?
“BENEDICT! GO! FLEE!Get back to Wren! You have to get back to her!" I sobbed.
I hoped mentioning her would snap him out of it.I tried to move the rock, but it was like trying to budge a mountain. I growled and spat, burning out my muscles trying to make it budge. I didn’t want to die here, but I’d rather that than take Benedict with me.
A massive black shadow whirled in front of me, and a stab of emotion swirled as I thought it was Benedict leaving me. It wasn’t though—it was much too large.
Baila’s fire demon roared into existence, Luci riding on her back. Black magick swirled around them as the cavern shook and collapsed inward, both of them ignoring the blood and chaos as they let the rocks pummel their bodies.
“Suffering that is freely given... heal the wounds left by the cries of the innocent.”
Luci shouted the ritualistic words over the groans of the mountain, and Baila bellowed in agreement.
I heard Benedict’s voice a little bit away from me, screaming in disbelief. “NO! BAILA NO!”
Luci ignored him, black magick sparking around them as they bled from the wounds of the cavern.
Another rock slammed into the first against me, and I screamed again as fresh hot pain slammed into my side. My legs were crushed. I would never walk again. I—
Large, black hands covered with crackling magma seized the rocks around me and lifted. I gave a weak moan and tried to roll over, but the same hands picked me up, and laid me gently down next to Benedict. His wings bled, but he refused to shift.
“Baila...please.”He begged.
Benedict grabbed onto the large hand with his whole body, begging what was left of his sister not to do this. “We can find a way to restore you. You don’t have to do this.”
Luci’s black eyes glowed from her place on Baila’s shoulders, her red hair whipping around her small body in a frenzy. “That is what a sacrifice is, draken king. Unnecessary suffering.”
Baila met her brother’s gaze, and bent down to press her massive forehead against his. Then she pulled away, and set Benedict down beside me.
“NO! DON’T!”
I was half-delirious with pain myself, but I automatically wrapped my arms around Benedict and pulled.Protect the king. Protect the king.The mantra kept me conscious and focused.
“The price must be paid for the balance to be restored. We accept this price!”
Baila and Luci jumped into the hole, and the cavern exploded. I don’t know if Benedict managed to shift or not, but either way darkness greeted us.
Chapter 29
Ilet Erik half-pull me, half-carry me out of the cavern and up fuckinghundredsof stairs. The others were around us, Beros struggling with his hooves to maneuver quickly. My head rolled back as I fought to stay conscious. The blood loss must be getting to me.
Go around me! I will slow you down!Beros shouted, despair in his voice. Erik paused to pick me up in his arms, and I might have enjoyed it if I hadn’t been bleeding to death.
“Just shut up and keep moving!”He snarled at the unicorn. A goddamnunicorn.
We didn’t have time to argue, so Beros did just that.When we stumbled up into the sunlight of the main parapet, the chaos above was just as equal to the chaos we’d left below.
Our armies were fighting.
Humans were attacking the lykos and unicorns, and the drakens looked supremely pissed as they defended themselves, but were under orders not to kill. Conan shot me a savage look, and I pushed myself onto my feet.
“You aren’t well—” Erik tried to protest.
“I need to take control. My men are disobeying me. GEORG—”
The young man was already on his Qarg beast, and had snagged my horse as well. He held it still for me.