Page 4 of The Lost Siren

“Understood, myking.”

Benedict dropped him to the floor and D’Arcy hissed, disappearing in a wisp of black smoke. I gasped; did Benedict do that to him? Those purple eyes swung to me, and I lost my battle with my dwindling courage. I fled to the door D’Arcy had indicated as my bedroom, slamming the door behind me. I didn’t breathe again until the deadbolt clicked in place.

“Leaving so soon?”

I shrieked as Benedict’s voice came from behind me, sitting casually on the largest bed I’d ever seen. My back pressed against the door, my hands twisting uselessly at a knob that wouldn’t budge, because I had just locked it. At least he looked human, again. Benedict smirked at my flustered face, and in one fluid motion pushed himself off the bed and leaned towards me.

“Do all humans smell so bad?”

He was too close to me and my adrenaline was still racing after D’Arcy had his hands on me. I didn’t think, I just reacted. My hand flew out and smacked him hard on his mouth, an automatic fight or flight response from my body. He jerked back more in surprise than pain, putting a hand to his lip and laughed at the blood that welled there. My eyes went wide as the cut vanished before me, and in moments there was no proof I’d ever hit him to begin with. I cringed as he bared down on me, sliding down the door and putting my hands over my head.

He took one look at me, and immediately stepped back.

“Did it make you feel better?” He asked, his voice light and humorous. I narrowed my eyes and raised my head. There was a flicker ofsomething in his eyes that wasn’tallanger. That flicker combined with his tone gave me the courage to talk back.

“I don’t know. Maybe I should try again just to be sure?”

He laughed; a loud, booming sound that was the first bit of true emotion I’d seen from him yet. He smiled, but it was the look you gave to a child who said something amusing, or a clever little pet.

“What did D’Arcy do? You’re white as a sheet.”

I tried to move, but he blocked my path. He leaned in closer, his nostrils flaring.

“I cansmellhim all over you.”

The playfulness was gone from his demeanor. I kept my eyes trained to the floor and focused on breathing. In, out. In, out. After a moment he let me go, practically throwing me from him.

“Get a bath and get dressed.”

He left.

I allowed myself only moments to gape wordlessly like a fish, my mouth opening and closing but no real sound coming out. These...Drakenswere utterly terrifying, but he had yet to do anything tohurtme. He’d done the opposite. He’d taken me away from Crullfed, gave me a room, a bath,food, and defended me from D’Arcy. Sort of.

I picked up my chin and undressed, leaving my clothes in the empty wardrobe up against the wall. The room was full of such opulence that I hardly wanted to look at any of it, lest I blinked, and it all disappeared. The floor was covered in soft, thick rugs from animals I couldn’t name if my life depended on it. Candles in sconces lined the walls and corners, and decorative stones and metalwork weaved into the walls like the floor in the great hall. The bed was an absolute work of art; it was canopied with thick velvet to ward off the chill of the mountain, with heavy curtains able to be pulled back in favor of sheer gossamer curtains underneath. My face heated remembering how Benedict had sat casually on it.

Be sure to bathe.

How? Where were the servants to bring the water? Where was the—I stopped, poking my head in a smaller room adjacent to my bedroom. It looked like a small garden, butindoors. Plants lined the walls, draping around a large marble pool in the center of the room. It was already filled with water that bubbled up gently from the center, and the edges were lined with various bottles and ointments. Curious, I sniffed all of them and dipped my toe into the water, which waswarm. What trick provided the amazing treat of warm water without a horde of servants? Maybe they had already been here and gone?

I scrubbed and washed quickly, using only drops of the oils provided lest they belonged to someone else and not intended for me. The silk robe hanging from a hook nearby was close to my size, which only gave me more questions than answers. I padded back to the bedroom, surprised to see an outfit already set out on the bed. I examined it, my face flushing. This...garmentcouldn’t be considered a dress, could it? The color was pleasing enough; a purple so deep it was nearly black, like the coloring in Benedict’s creature form. The length was also acceptable, flowing well past my ankles and ending in a small train. The material itself was nothing more than translucent gauze, and I frantically looked around the bed for more clothing. I found nothing. I stalked to the wardrobe in the corner and grabbed my work dress. I made quick work of ripping off strips of fabric, which I fashioned into a rough band, and tied around my breasts. I took a nearby blanket and wrapped it around my waist, tying it off with another strip. Finally, I put the sheer gown overtop, feeling somewhat covered. At the last moment, I retrieved my knife from my old dress and tied it to another strip, fastening it to the other ties. The gauze material felt divine on my skin, but I couldn’t believe I was meant to wear it alone. Perhaps going topless was a cultural thing, specific to the Drakens? I wondered what the women—

I stopped, my brain freezing as I realized something very,veryimportant, that Benedict had ignored when I’d asked in the great hall about the women. Or rather, thelackof them. There werefemaleDrakens, weren’t there? There had to be. Every species had females, didn’t they? Come to think of it, I never heard mention of any female demons. D’Arcy had said there hadneverbeen a woman in Dark Haven before. My kidnapping suddenly made a much more agonizing, awful sense. Had I just made the biggest mistake of my life?

“Are you ready?”

A bang on my bedroom door caused me to jump, and I hurriedly unbraided my hair, letting it flow loose around my shoulders. I raced over to the wardrobe and grabbed the black traveling cloak hanging on the right. I flung it over my shoulders, sighing in relief as it covered the shape of my body. I did appreciate the new pair of leather boots next to the bed and slipped them on gratefully. With a bit more confidence I opened the door, only to find Benedict pacing. His eyes gave me a brief once-over, lingering at the crude modifications I made with clothing. I gave him a challenging look in return, and he rolled his eyes.

“You’re late.”

I opened my mouth to argue, but he had already grabbed me and tugged me through the passageway. I planted my feet on the stone floor, afraid. He growled and yanked me towards him. I flew into his chest, banging my head against the hard planes of his body.

“It would be cowardly to back out now.” His eyes judged me, finding me clearly wanting. I wanted to smack him again, or at least talk back, now that I knew I wouldn’t be punished for it.

“It is difficult to be cowardly when you haveno ideawhat is going on, especially when the man who kidnaps you doesn’t even offer hisname!” I might have been shouting. His eyes widened, then narrowed in suspicion.

“You don’t know who I am?” The shock in his voice was genuine, and about the only thing that snapped through my torrent of rage. Both of us relaxed, letting go of each other. I looked at my feet nervously.

“D’Arcy called you Benedict. I assumethat’syour name?” I glanced up warily to find his head cocked to the side, studying me intensely.