“I wouldneverignore a distress call from you. It just...took a bit for us to figure out how to get to you.”
He stroked my hand, and offered me a glass of water, which I gulped down. He chuckled, and Ronan offered me another. Halfway through that one, I turned to him.
“Howdidyou get to me?” Kieran nodded at Ronan, who blushed.
“Well, I figured if Bair got close to the edge of the mountain, maybe you were still within the mountain range, just on theoutsideof it rather than the inside. It was a bit terrifying leaving the cave mouth, but I was right. We can go outside if we stick to the mountain range. Benedict isn’t happy with us; keeps threatening to execute us then thanking us for saving you, then screaming at us again. In turn, I threatened to tell every Draken we could leavethe cave, however limited, if he tried to ban your return. It hasn’t been fun.”
My eyes went to my lap.
“Oh. He’s told everyone then?”
Kieran grasped my hand, his gaze intense. “No, Kieran black-mailed him to keep it to himself, but he tried to tell us. It was some ridiculous story about subterfuge and the Overlord, but frankly none of it made sense. All I could get from it was something happened, and you killed Bair?”
Ronan sniffed.
“I never liked the little shit anyway.” Kieran rolled his eyes and cuffed him on the head. I stifled a small smile; these two always were able to cheer me up.
“So, you don’t hate me?”
Kieran laid a kiss to my forehead. “You are our mate; ofcourse,we could never hate you. Why do you think Benedict is fuckingcrazyright now? On the one hand he wants to kill you, but on the other hand, he can’t. It’s a bit hilarious if you’renotthe one he’s screaming at.” Kieran frowned.
“I thought you couldn’t mate with humans.”
Kieran shrugged.
“It’s all down to choice, isn’t it? Ronan and Ichooseyou, and at some point, Benedict obviously did as well, even if the blockhead won’t admit it.” He paused and looked down at me with worry.
“Whatactuallyhappened, if you don’t mind?”
I balled the covers in my fist, sorrow filling my heart. “Bair told Severn where the Drakens are hiding.”
Kieran reared back, blinking furiously.
“That...that can’t be right.” Righteous indignation flared with me.
“I’m a liar, then?”
“No! I just...I need to go talk to Benedict.”
He practically ran from the room, leaving me alone with Ronan. I rolled my eyes, and Ronan sighed.
“That’s going to be a tough sell; Benedict is mourning his brother. He’d probably kill you if you got close now. It is wise to try and let Kieran break the news.” He looked away, deep in thought. My jaw dropped in alarm, and he waved an arm casually.
“I wouldn’t take it seriously; Kieran will talk him around. Our mateship is too new, and he’ll be forced back eventually. That is, if I don’t kill him first for ignoring your distress call.”
“What do you mean, forced back?” I asked.
“New mateships need time to settle in; the more time we spend together, the quicker it happens. Sleeping together, meals, all of it helps. Since Benedict hasn’t been around much, he’ll likely start feeling some of the negative effects. My only worry is if it will impact you at all.”
I blinked at him, tired. He patted my hand.
“How about a bath?”
I agreed and let him fuss over me. Not only did I not have a choice, but deep down, it felt nice to have someone care about you like that. I felt a stab of regret as I thought of Benedict.
“The Games have been postponed indefinitely. Benedict doesn’t want to see anyone right now.” Ronan kept up a steady stream of chatter as he filled the bath, lacing it with scented oils and herbs. It smelleddivine.
“The other Drakens are shook up over Bair; it would help to get your story out there so the others know you’renota murdering psychopath like Benedict has painted. Kieran will probably do that as soon as he sees Benedict.”