Page 41 of The Lost Siren

I forced myself to relax and give him a cool smile. He sat down and yanked me into his lap, facing out towards the edge of the cliff. His hands skimmed underneath my dress, caressing my stomach and smoothing over my ribs. I forced my body to stay relaxed.

“Let’s find out, shall we?” He murmured.

His nose and lips nudged at the junction between my shoulders and I tensed. His hands moved higher to my breasts, and it took all my mental energy not to headbutt him or jerk away. Instead, I focused on grinding into him, making him think I wanted him as much as he wanted me.

“Tell me who Benedict meets with, and I’ll give you a...reward.”

I held my bound wrists up in front of me while giving him a sultry pout. He grinned lazily and gripped both my wrists with one hand. He severed the rope with his teeth and shoved my hands on his crotch. I forced myself to move my palm up and down his length, even as I leaned into his ear.

“Who does he meet with?” I gave his cock a firm squeeze, and he groaned.

“Severn,” he grunted. My look of confusion deflated him, and he scoffed. “You really are a stupid human, aren’t you?”

My grip on him tightened but I said nothing, continuing to stroke him. His posture relaxed and he closed his eyes. My lips hovered over his neck, just close enough for him to feel the heat from my breath.

“I would be sothankfulif you told me who he was.” Bair hummed to himself, his hands grasping my bottom and pushing me roughly against him.

“Only the second-in-command to the Demon Overlordhimself;his most trusted lieutenant.”I tried to look suitably awed by this information. I slithered my chest against his, and he couldn’t help but continue to show off.

“Do you want to know what hesaid?”

“Yes,” I replied, sticking a vacant yet adoring smile on my face, my lips almost on his. Bair puffed his chest out and continued.

“I heard him tell Benedict that the ‘deal would be in the best interests of everyone’, and he shouldn’t worry so much.’”

“What was the deal?” I asked breathily. Bair flashed his fangs at me. “I wasgettingto that!” I blinked and lowered my eyes.

“It was simple: Benedict would be allowed to take a human woman into the mountains to breed Drakens, and in return he vowed never to let anyone leave.Ifnew Drakens were born, the Overlord promised not to massacre them.”

I gasped, unable to help it. “That’s not a deal at all!”

Bair’s eyes were wild, nodding frantically.

“You see then? It’s fruitless to fight it. The Overlord will find us, and when he does, we will bewiped out!But not you! You don’t have to be! You will come with me, won’t you?”

I froze, dumbfounded as he grasped both of my hands with his.

“They’re going to come soon, within the coming months, no doubt. I refuse to sit here and die, but I can escape with you! Come with me, the Overlord has promised to break the curse, and let me leave the mountain—"

My mind raced, as I prayed my ears were deceiving me.

“Bair,what have you done?”

He pulled me to him, snarling against my face.

“I talked to Severnmyself, after Benedict left, what did you think? Severn told me everything! Crullfed pickedyouspecifically to give to Benedict, he even ensured you’d be out in the stables crying over something, since I told Crullfed my brother never could abide by crying females. Crullfed knows how weak you are, but, but you don’t have to die…” He fumbled as he clumsily stroked my cheek. “You’re beautiful, even if you’re just ahuman!”

I was in shock; I couldn’t think of anything to say. Bair kept going, the words pouring from his mouth.

“Severn has promised that once Benedict is dead,Iwill be the Draken king, and you could stay as my Queen! You’d like that, wouldn’t you? The other Drakens will be sold as exotic pets, can you imagine how much someone might pay for a pet that was immortal? If there is a Draken King and the lost daughter is hidden, the protection stays! Isn’t itbrilliant? We can live forever! Or at least, I will. I’ll make sure you’re treated well for whatever length of time you live, of course.”

He leaned down to kiss me and for a moment, I let him. His lips were wet and foreign against mine, kissing me with all the intensity of a dead fish. I forced my right arm around his neck, my other hand fumbling until I felt it; asecondhard bulge hanging from his waist; hissword. When his tongue jammed itself against my teeth, I shoved down my revulsion and opened my mouth, pushing my body harder against his. He moaned, and my fingers slipped the short sword from his scabbard. He had his eyes closed, so I was able to silently lift the blade and set it behind me with him none the wiser. I waited for him to break the kiss, every second agonizing. He was rough and uncaring, unconcerned with how I didn’t seem to enjoy it at all.So unlike, and yet like his brother.

Finally,he pulled away. I found my voice, throwing my hand behind me to subtly grip the sword.

“You would sell out your entire race? For what? Riches? Wealth?”

He blanched, having thought me in agreement with him.