Page 29 of The Lost Siren

His scales were navy blue, while the rest of him was silver: his eyes, his hair, his wings and upper body.

“I apologize, but perhaps tomorrow before the Games? I have some urgent business with Benedict.” The Draken nodded, and the three of them stepped out of my path. I hurried over to Benedict, who didn’t bother glancing up at me.

“I would like to go see them now, please.”

Benedict’s eyes flashed.

“I’m not your servant.”

I put the back of my hand dramatically to my forehead.

“I suppose I’ll have to wander the fortress aimlessly then, hoping to bump into them. I hope I don’t run into anybloodthirsty,hormonally-deprived Drakens on the way.”

A puff of air exhaled from his nose.

“Fine. You’re like an annoying, little pet.”

I could have winced, knowing his joke was in particularly bad taste. Demons frequently kept humans as pets. Instead, I tried something different.

“Careful, I might bite.”

I grinned in victory, turning quickly so my hair flew in his face. He opened his mouth to say something, but I cut him off from over my shoulder. “And you maystay and watchif you’re so concerned about mysafety.”

I held my hand out imperiously, and he reluctantly took it, his warm fingers sliding up the palm of my hand.


We appeared in a dimly lit sitting room, like mine but smaller, decorated sparsely but comfortably with two leather backed chairs in front of a happily crackling fire. Kieran and Ronan jumped up from them as soon as we appeared, though slowly and with more care than they usually did. I shot Benedict a filthy look as I hurried to Kieran, my hand tucking his hair out of his eyes to see his face better. Large bruises and cuts marred his face, even as he gently pushed my hands away.

“Are you alright?”

I turned towards Ronan, who didn’t look any better.

“Don’t waste your breath,” Kieran began, wincing as he took a step towards me. “it’s our own fault for letting it get out of hand. We should have had D’Arcy or Benedict with us to train you.”

His left eye was black, and his lip split open.

“This will help remind us to have better control.” He limped heavily on one side of his body, and his normally carefree grin was more of a grimace.

“I’m sorry, Wren. I... lost myself.” If Kieran was upset, Ronan was downright miserable. My gaze flitted between them and Benedict’s unflinching expression. I licked my lips, remembering how Benedict had healed himself using my blood. Making a quick decision, I tossed my nose into the air.

“Let’s go into one of your private rooms.Youcan wait out here.” I stuck one finger in Benedict’s hard chest, even as his eyes narrowed in suspicion and a low growl rumbled in his chest. Kieran and Ronan didn’t bother looking at the larger, angry Draken; Kieran opened the first door on the left, and we entered. A modest room with a medium-sized bed took up most of the space, with a small chest at the foot of the bed. I shut the door behind us, and Kieran wrung his hands nervously.

“I don’t think this is a good idea. What if—"

“You won’t hurt me,” I insisted, tossing my hair behind my shoulders.

“In fact, Idareyou not to hurt me. If it gets out of hand, I simply scream for help, and Benedict beats the shit out of you.Again. You wouldn’t want that now, would you?”

They both cringed and shook their heads. I crossed the small space and sat on the bed, sliding my boots off as I went. They stared at my bare legs as I patted the spot next to me. I tried to act with more confidence than I felt; this new version of myself would need some more practice, but there was no time like the present.

With every fight with Benedict, or new trick with my knife, I felt more of the old, scared girl inside of me dying. I wasn’t going to mourn her.

“Come here.” I gestured to both with two fingers.

Ronan moved first, with Kieran just behind him. They sat on either side of me, stiff as boards. I reached up and ran my hands through Kieran’s red hair, mindful of a large cut on his forehead. I’d never seen red hair before meeting him, so I took my time admiring it as Kieran sighed, relaxing against my shoulder. Each strand looked like liquid fire as I twined it through my fingers.

I shifted and gestured for Ronan to lay his head in my lap, and my free hand went to work on his hair. Slowly, their muscles relaxed, and their eyes drifted closed. When I deemed them suitably relaxed, I pulled Kieran close to me, my voice no louder than a whisper so Benedict wouldn’t overhear.