Ididn’t ask to be kidnapped, but I wasn’t exactly protesting it either. That night I’d been having a good cry in the stables, my usual hiding place when Lord Crullfed had gotten too heavy with his hands or his cane. Not that I cared any; I was thankful the beating was shorter than normal. Crullfed had cut our time short, rushing off to see another one of the girls who was supposed to leave within the hour. I assumed he’d sold her, as was common with the prettier slaves.
The quiet of the night was soothing; the exact opposite of the breeding house, which was always filled with the cries and moans of women struggling to bring new human slaves into the world, only to have them ripped away and sold at auction to the training houses. The training houses would raise them, turning a tidy profit by renting or selling the humans as they got older. A Vampyre or Demon would pay top dollar for a well-trained human with the right lineage and looks. I had neither, as a human of unknown origin dropped on the doorstep twenty-two years ago. My unsuitability to be a broodmare or expensive slave was just fine with me; being a servant was much more of a life than many other humans could boast. Within the breeding house, I was mostly protected. Outside, humans were prey.
When the Overlord won the Demon Wars, he and his allies took over the entire continent, as far as I knew. Slaves aren’t exactly educated, so my knowledge is limited. I know our bit of land is called Dorea, but that is all. Hundreds of years ago humans had ruled, hunting down warring bands of Lykos, wolven creatures that could pass for humans if the timing of the moon was right. We lived in fear of the Vampyres, whose bloodlust was unquenchable, and the demons who kept finding their way into our realm repeatedly. Crullfed was lower ranking Vampyre, but the demons found him useful with his wealth and lands. Other humans who had something to offer were left in peace if they cooperated. I know things weren’t always this way due to Clarice; the elderly nursemaid who looked out for most of the birthing mothers and younger servants. She claimed there was a time once when humans held dominion over the world and hunted down starving Vampyres in packs. There were no demons with their magicks and powers, and the other magical creatures left us alone, or so she’d said.
Dorea was a land that stretched far to the mountains in the north, and with valleys and forests to the south. The west was cut off by the deserts, making travel and trade in that direction impossible. The land flattened to the sea on the east, and that was the entirety of my knowledge.
I leaned against a ladder, debating on whether to sleep in the hayloft or not. If I spent another night there, I would likely oversleep and be late for my morning chores. That meant another beating, and the vicious cycle would continue. I reluctantly turned to head back into the house, wondering if I still had any salve left in my tin.
It was any wonder I was still alive, really. Most of the breeders here only lived thirty years or so, then they worked like dogs in the fields until they dropped dead. Crullfed would purchase a fresh, young body to take her place. By comparison, my life was luxurious; it was all I could really hope for. Humans were slaves to be used and discarded.
A fresh set of screams pierced the night, floating through one of the second story windows. I winced; Lucretia was much too early to be giving birth now. If the baby died, she’d be whipped, and likely sent to the fields. It wasn’t her first miscarriage. I turned to go, and that’s when I saw him.
He wasn’t trying to hide, and that was what kept me from running. His body was backlit by the moon, so all I could make out was his towering figure, easily dwarfing Lord Crullfed by two feet. He was devoid of any weapons, though that didn’t mean anything in a world ruled by creatures. I took a step back, wondering if I could outrun him. With the length of his legs, I doubted it.
“Do you have business with the Lord?”
Ikept my eyes down on the floor, like I’d been taught since birth.
“Come with me.”
His voice was deep, the rough growl of a predator. I glanced up, noticing his eyes were amethyst; the color of Lord Crullfed’s favorite cloak and the color of grapes before the harvest. He stepped into a ray of moonlight, and I saw him more clearly. Long, black hair was held back by a simple leather thong, with bits braided intricately down the sides. He was bare-chested, though wearing dark leather pants tucked into leather boots. His skin shimmered oddly underneath the moonlight. He wasn’t a Lykos, or a Vampyre. He was also clearly not one of the male breeders leased to Lord Crullfed.
The man frowned when I didn’t move towards him, his eyes peering down at me as he leaned forward and grabbed my wrist. I swallowed back memories as bile rose in my throat; the only time a man ever touched me was to hurt me. His skin felt roughly odd against mine, and I tried to quell my panic. My heart thudded loudly in my chest and he exhaled heavily, irritated.
“You’d rather keep living here? This offer expires in five minutes, and then I go and grab the sobbing blonde in the entrance hall instead.”
The blonde was Bella, the one Crullfed had hurried off to see, leaving me bleeding on the floor. This man wantedmeinstead, over Bella’s classic beauty and extensive training. She could dance, sing, cook, and was rumored to have been trained in the bedroom arts as well. What did I have to offer besides the ability to polish the silverware or sweep the floor?
Guilt crept up my spine as I thought of stealing someone else’s chance to get away from Crullfed’s hands, but it was also a risk. This…’man’ was clearly not a human but wasn’t any kind of creature I’d heard about either. What if he planned to use me for some nefarious purpose? Clarice used to terrify the younger girls to keep us inside, going on about blood magicks and demon rituals. Her stories were full of blood and gore that kept us clutching to each other in fear. Fear always worked when it came to control.
“Pleasecome with me,” he tried again. That word jolted me. You didn’t saypleaseto a slave.
Lucretia screamed again, and I winced. His grip tightened on my wrist; his skin was hot against mine. His eyes studied me, neither demanding or threatening. The choice hovered before me, like a phantom breeze as it brushed my face.
I didn’t try to pull away when he heaved me over his broad shoulders and took off running into the night. All I could do was grip onto his neck in terror as the landscape flew by underneath his feet, aimed directly north. Through the meadow behind the manor, and into the woods that lay beyond, jumping over streams, ditches, and gullies. He jumped, and suddenly we were in theairas a pair of black, scaled wings pumped hard on either side of me. We soared over the forest, headed straight towards the mountains in the north. Massive rock formations rose on either side of us, and before I could blink the mountains rose on either side of us. How fast had herun? How fast could hefly?A delighted roar tore from his throat as he flew higher, and all I could do was shut my eyes and hold on. The air blew wildly in my face as I clutched to him tightly.
“Are you sick?”
The wind had ceased to pummel my face, and I cracked one eye open. The world was dark, but thankfully solid under my feet. I turned and saw the mouth of the small cave we were standing in, and I peered over the edge. The world tilted crazily as I leaned over, and a pair of strong arms snatched me back, safely away from the edge. His eyes were unnerving; not only for their color, but for the hungry, starved way they appraised me. I noticed his wings were gone, and his back covered again by that odd, gleaming skin. I had never heard of a creature that could do that.
“I don’t—I mean—”
He rolled his eyes as I struggled to speak, and then had the gall tosniffme. I wriggled away as he held me in place, his arm a steel vice that clamped around me. He buried his nose in my hair then promptly dropped me as if I carried some filthy disease. Acutely, I became aware of the dirty dress I wore, and the pathetic house slippers covering my feet. Frowning, I hoped the brown splotch on the edge of my toe wasn’t blood from the previous day’s delivery. I wondered why I suddenly cared.
It was impossible to see anything in the pitch darkness. I lurched wildly to the side, unable to get my bearings, still woozy from flying. I put my hands out to the side, feeling solid stone walls to the left and right. It helped ground my mild nausea. The man was silent, stomping off into the darkness.
“Where are we going?” I dared to ask. My fear of the unknown was greater than my fear of him. He sniffed, impatient.
“This passageway goes underneath the mountain.”
If I wasn’t so anxious, I might have rolled my eyes.Obviously.His voice was getting further away, and I blindly reached out in panic, catching the tips of his fingers. He wouldn’t let me die before I could be of use to him, would he? He grunted in irritation and hefted me over his shoulder again, muttering something about humans and their weak eyesight.
“Maybe if you would have worn some decent shoes—”