Page 9 of Doctor Bossy

I dreamt of it.

It was the first time in a long time that I dreamt of such a thing, and the thought haunted me into the night.

So did the fact that I let the kiss happen in the first place. It wasn’t like I didn’t see it coming. The minute she got up with her eyes entranced on my lips, I had an idea of what would come next. But instead of stopping it, I stood there, waiting. I guessed the curiosity got the better of me. And a part of me hadn’t truly thought she would go through with it. I thought common sense would kick in before she did.

But it didn’t.

Instead, she kissed me and turned everything upside down. A powerful lust that I kept at bay for many years returned with a vengeance, flushing through my system. My heart started beating quickly, everything urging me to get closer. I didn’t know what came over me during the kiss, but I had the mad urge to grab her and press her against my body. The very sensation held me in shock for many minutes.

I should have pushed her away immediately.

And I didn’t, not until the taste of the faint strawberry of her lip gloss and the softness of her lips registered in my system.

Then, I wanted more.

“I figured yesterday was a particularly stressful day for you,” I continued, pulling the memory short. “So I’ll give you a pass on that.”

“Really?” Her voice was an audible breath of relief.

“Yes,” I said, then turned off the stove. I brought the pan to the table and began dishing the eggs onto two separate plates. “How are you feeling this morning?”

She gave me a weak smile. “You mean apart from being mortified?”

“Yes, apart from that.”

“Okay, I guess. I just have to figure out what to do with my life now.” She sighed heavily and glanced down at the plate that I pushed toward her. She pointed at herself, looking at me in question. “For me?”

I nodded, and she appeared surprised at the answer. Like she had never had anyone make her a meal before. She picked up the fork and gingerly speared a piece of egg, then stuck it in her mouth.

“This is good,” she said. “Thank you.”

“Why do you need to figure out your life?” I asked instead. She didn’t strike me as the type to have orchestrated her entire life around a man, and while what James did was horrible, I didn’t think it would break her.

She gave me a look. “Well, not only did your son cheat on me, he made sure he ruined my life as well. The nudes thing got to the Director of the Biochemistry Department at Broadchurch, and long story short, I lost my job.”

The anger and pain were palpable in her expression despite the calm way she said it. I could also see it in the way she squeezed her fork.

Although I didn’t know much about Becca, I did not doubt that she was an ambitious career-driven woman, and to lose out on an opportunity based on something like this must have been extremely painful.

Jesus, what was wrong with James? What was defective in him that he could put someone through this?

“I’m sorry,” I said, feeling the guilt rise again. “More than you know.”

“Again, it’s not your fault.”

“It is. I raised him.” I reached out and took her chin, bringing her eyes to mine before withdrawing my hand once again. “If there’s anything I can do to make the situation better, let me know.”

She gave me a weak smile. “I doubt you can unless you can somehow convince the director of the department to give me my job back.”

“I can,” I said.

Her eyes widened. “Really?”

“Yes.” I had some influence at the university, and while I often didn’t like asking for professional favors, it was the least I could do to use it to get her job back. I didn’t agree with the fact that they had fired her in the first place over something so stupid, especially since it wasn’t her fault. “In addition,” I continued, wondering how to phrase it in a way that didn’t offend her, “I’m going to give you something for your trouble.”

“Oh no.” She immediately caught my drift and shook her head in denial. “I don’t want anything.”

“I know, but I need to give it to you.” If only to assuage this guilt inside me. “In a way, I have some fault in this matter. Growing up, I let him get away with everything, and it seems to have made him into the monster he is.” I wasn’t sure why I told her this last part.