Page 51 of Doctor Bossy

She looked to the side before turning back and pinning me with her sad, dark gaze. “You know, I was terrified of a break-in when I was back in school because I knew I couldn’t survive it financially if it were to happen, so I always double-checked to make sure all my doors were fortified. But I guess I became careless since the neighborhood is so safe and everything. I’m glad it happened now when I have a job and everything.”

“I’m so sorry for what happened,” I said. “I swear we’ll catch the perpetrator.”

“Maybe,” she said. “But honestly, I don’t have much hope.”

“Do you suspect James?”

She shook her head. “I thought about it briefly, but no. Seems a little excessive even for him.”

I thought so too, but it was good having her say that. If it had been my son who put Becca through this pain, it would cause an irreparable rift between us.

As we talked, Becca shifted, and her knee nudged my erection. I bit back a groan.

“Is that what I think it is?” she asked, and her voice sounded amused.

“You’re lying on top of me. What do you expect?”

She gave me a mischievous grin, and her hand began traveling south toward my belt buckle. “You know, for two people who have an ‘arrangement’ going on, we haven’t been doing a lot ofarranging.”

“Becca.” I tried to use a warning tone, but it was somewhat ruined by a groan when her finger skimmed over the head of my dick. “You’re supposed to be resting.”

“I’ve done little but rest over the past few days,” her husky voice whispered right into my ears, her breath causing the hairs on my skin to rise. “Now, I want to play.”

And play she did. Her fingers continued their maddening torment, slipping under my jeans to caress my cock. I groaned at the skin-to-skin contact but told myself not to give in. I held myself still, trying not to react, but it was impossible. Her hesitant innocent touch was too addictive to resist, driving me to the point of madness. I found my body shaking with the effort it took to keep from touching her. My mind became foggy, and slowly, the reasons why I should not do this began to fade away.

I was going to break.

I knew, sooner or later, that she was going to break me.

Well, if I was going to give in to the madness, then I might as well enjoy it.



Iunleashed an animal.

I had no real idea what I was doing by teasing Griffin the way I did. I only thought to distract myself from everything that happened, to have a little good with the bad. But then, the more he held back, the more intrigued I became. I wondered who he would become once he let himself go and didn’t hold himself so rigid all the time. When he finally released the reins of his control.

Excitement beat at me as I saw his body get tighter, practically shaking with the effort to hold himself back. I watched his nostrils flare as I fondled him, his eyes squeezed tight as his hands grasped the sheets under him.

And the more I watched, the worse the fire in me grew.

The ache between my legs began to spread to other parts of my body, my nipples pulling themselves into taut points that chaffed against my bra. I swallowed and squeezed my thighs together, willing myself to calm down. But there was just something about him and seeing a man with that much control over his body. It made it even more arousing to drive such a powerful man to the edge of his control. And then watching him fall over it.

And boy, was the fall glorious.

Because he didn’t do anything predictable as one would imagine from an animal that had been starved for months before being released from a cage. He didn’t fall on me or throw my legs open and then start thrusting, although I didn’t think I would have been entirely opposed to that. I was already very turned on from all the slow, tortured teasing and would have welcomed it.

But what he did was so much better…or worse, depending on perspective.

His eyes snapped open first, and the crazed desire within them sent a shiver down my spine. And there was something else there. Some kind of conviction, as if he suddenly came to a decision. I didn’t know what the decision was, but I think I somehow got an idea when one of his hands reached out to caress the side of my face softly before it wrapped easily around my neck.

I gave a choked sound that was more surprise than distress. He said nothing but kept his hand there, eyes on my face as if asking permission to continue. I only had to think about it for a split second before I nodded.

That was all the permission he needed. He slowly rose in bed, and in one fluid movement, he switched up our positions. I was now the one lying down, and he was the one sitting beside me.

“Stay,” he ordered in a hoarse voice when I attempted to get up. I nearly made a quip about not being a dog but then swallowed my words when the tip of his finger began its descent. It went to the side of my neck and down the front of my body. I’d always thought of his hands as large and strong, but right now, they looked nearly elegant, like a painter mapping outlines with the tip of his brush.