Page 56 of Doctor Grump

“I’m pregnant.”

At first, I thought I had heard wrong. I had to have heard wrong because she couldn’t have just said what she said.

“What?” I said stupidly.

“I’m pregnant,” she repeated firmly. “That’s what I found out at the hospital. I’m eight weeks pregnant.”

Honesty shone in her gaze. She wasn’t playing.

“We used protection,” was all I could say, still stuck in shock.

“Condoms are not a hundred percent effective,” she said, sounding defeated. “And we didn’t use it that first time.”

The memory of that crazed night came back to me. It had been wild, and I had come inside her like an animal. “You assured me you would take the pill.”

“And I did. But that’s not a hundred percent as well, especially when I’m that close to ovulation.”

“Shit.” I rubbed my hands over my face, trying to make sense of the news and quell the confusing thoughts rushing through me. This was truly the last thing I had expected her to say. I had expected her to be sick, not pregnant. “How on earth didn’t you know about this earlier? Aren’t you supposed to get your period?”

“I don’t have regular periods, especially when I have shit going on.” She threw her hands up in frustration. “Sue me.”

“But this is the type of thing you’re supposed to be keeping track of,” I shot back, angry now. “How could you be that careless?”

“Careless?” Rage filled her gaze. “I’m careless? Last I checked, I wasn’t the one who fucked me without a condom.”

“This wasn’t the plan,” I muttered, barely hearing her. My brain was processing at a rapid speed, moving spaces ahead. I hadn’t planned on having any more kids, especially so soon. I hadn’t even planned on having the one in the first place. I always knew I wasn’t cut out to be a father. I didn’t have the patience and emotional range to keep up with children. Kendy had been unexpected, and as much as I loved her, I was not ready to be a father when I found out about her. It was one of the reasons I allowed Alanna to remain her custodial parent after I found out about her existence. For all her faults, Alanna raised Kendy much better than I would have, and it was to her credit that Kendy turned into such a well-adjusted teen.

But this kid that Piper was carrying…I would have to be in his or her life from the beginning, would have to raise him.

I could ruin him or her unintentionally without meaning it.

And it would be on me.

On the other hand, having a child with Piper didn’t seem like such a bad idea.

An image of a young girl with big brown eyes and hair and a bright smile popped into my head. A daughter that looked like Piper with her sweet spirit. No, that wouldn’t be so bad at all.

“What are you planning on doing?” I asked.

“I haven’t decided yet,” Piper said, her voice uncharacteristically cold. “But rest assured, whatever I decide will have nothing to do with you.”

“Of course it has to do with me.” Was she serious? “I’m the damn father.”

“Yes, but I know you never wanted to be tied down, especially not to me.”

“What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

She glared at me, crossing her hands over her chest. “It means that we all know what this relationship is. It’s you slumming for a little bit with me until something better comes along.”

Where the hell was this coming from? “What on earth are you talking about?”

Suddenly, the angry look left her face, and she just looked…tired. Exhausted. “Look, I don’t have the energy for this, okay? Can we talk about it tomorrow instead?”

I hesitated. I wanted to hash it out now, but it would probably just lead to both of us saying things we’ll regret.

“We’ll talk about it tomorrow,” I said. “And just know that whatever you decide to do, I will support you.”

“Gee, thanks,” she said in a sarcastic tone.