Page 45 of Doctor Grump

There was no trace of doubt or mistrust in her expression, simply an innocent acceptance. I could have been lying to her, and she would have simply accepted it because it was me. That amount of blind trust she had was dangerous, but it was also intoxicating.

And it completely disarmed me.

I had to do it then. It had been nearly two long months of holding back the roaring desire within me, and I just couldn’t do it anymore.

I buried my hands in her hair, pulled her forward, and kissed her.

It was only supposed to be a kiss.

I reminded myself of it as I swallowed her startled sound into my mouth when she swayed into me, and my hand wrapped around her waist to pull her body flush against mine. I would only allow myself to taste her for a little bit. Then I would return her back to where she belonged, far away from me, and go back to who I was.

Of course, I knew I was only lying to myself, but it was a comforting thought while it lasted.

A comforting but foolish thought because the minute I felt her lush body melt into mine, heard her tiny moans echoing in my ear, and the scent of her desire in my nostrils, I knew there was no going back.

Piper’s fingers curled into my jacket, clutching it tightly as she attempted to pull me closer. I felt her feet wobble unsteadily, and I distantly recalled how small she was. She likely had to be on her tip-toes just for this kiss.

Without much thought, I picked her up in my arms.

Piper’s head snapped back, her eyes hazy with desire as she shook her head and whispered, “I’m heavy.”

I cut off the words with my lips, not needing to hear anymore. She was perfect. Perfect in my arms. Perfect in every way.

And I desperately wanted to bask in her perfection. My body ached for her.


I pulled back this time, trying to think, and felt her lips on my neck. I glanced around for a surface.Couch.The thought popped into my head, and I was moving toward it when rationality intervened. I didn’t want to have sex with her on the couch again. That had been dangerous last time because Kendy could have walked in on us. Besides, Piper didn’t deserve another rushed encounter like last time. She deserved to be worshipped and treated like the goddess she was.She deserved a comfortable bed for me to ravish her in.

So, despite the effort and staggering lust raging inside me, I swung Piper up into a princess carry and began what felt like an endless walk to my bedroom.

“What are you doing?” Piper whispered.

I didn’t answer. Anything I said would not be intelligible, especially with the desire choking my throat.

“You should put me down. I can walk,” Piper whispered as she squirmed in my arms. “I’m heavy.”

“Say that again, and I’m going to spank you.”

She stopped her squirming. “You’re kidding.”

“Try me.”

I expected her to gasp in shock. But if I was reading her body language correctly, she wasn’t completely averse to the idea.

God, the idea of putting my hands on her soft curvy bottom made my cock leak, and my mind nearly flashed blank.

Finally, we made it to the bedroom. I threw the door open, walked in, and laid her gently on the bed.

“Don’t move,” I said before I moved back to lock the door.

And then I turned around and saw her lying there, an ingenue Aphrodite looking at me with those blinking innocent eyes of hers that were washed with desire. I knew it then in my heart.

There was no going back from this.