But it wasn’t.
Even though I intentionally limited contact and conversation with her, those few moments we spent together became the best moments of my day, something I started to look forward to. Despite my standoffishness, Piper was never shy to make conversation and had a way of making even the most mundane things sound completely fascinating. Lately, she had taken to telling us stories about her family hijinks while we ate dinner at the dinner table. I think the stories were meant to entertain Kendy, but they also served a different purpose. They unintentionally gave me hints about her childhood, something I don’t think she intended.
And from all the things she said, it hadn’t been as rosy as I thought.
I didn’t think she understood what she was revealing when she talked about the time her entire family forgot her birthday, and she had to throw a party for herself. Or the time they went off for dinner at the main branch without her since, according to her mother, she ruined their image. She had a smile on her face even while saying these things. It was as if they were the most reasonable things in the world. I mean, I knew her parents hadn’t exactly been Parents of the Year, but I had no idea how bad it was.
And hearing it all made me even more protective of her, complicating my feelings even further. Because above everything, I wanted to slay all her demons and make her feel like the damn diamond she truly was.
It was why, when I saw her today with that caught look on her face, I hadn’t been able to stop myself from going to her and figuring out the problem so I could solve it.
“Are you?” one of the girls standing behind her asked. She looked identical to the woman who had called me over. “You’re really her fiancé?”
“Yes,” I said smoothly. “Although, I’m not sure how good I am at being a fiancé when she refuses to wear her ring in public.” I stared pointedly at Piper’s ring finger, and Piper blushed and pulled her hand back.
“Um…” she said, clearly thinking up an excuse. “I’m getting it resized. It was too small.”
She wasn’t a very good liar, but it was enough because I backed it up with an utterly assured nod when the woman turned back to me. Confusion and annoyance flashed on her face.
It didn’t take a genius to figure out what was happening here. The two women had called me over to humiliate Piper. Now, I wasn’t exactly sure why Piper named me as her fiancé, but I didn’t mind playing along with her ruse, although I wished she had just told them to fuck off.
“I still don’t believe it,” one of the women said.
“Well, that seems like a personal problem,” I said. “In the meantime, I would like to have a word with my fiancée. So, if you would give us a moment….” I stared at them pointedly.
“Okay, I guess,” one of them said, hiking her bag over her shoulder and turning around. The other one threw me a coquettish wink. “I guess we’ll see you around.”
I didn’t answer, maintaining a blank expression that finally had her turning red before she followed her sister with a huff. After that, I frowned at the other woman who was sitting next to Piper before turning to Piper, who was staring at me with a blinking expression.
“Did that just happen?” Piper asked when her eyes met mine.
“I think it did,” her companion said.
There was a small smile spreading across her lips. “Wow.”
“Wow is right,” the other woman sitting by Piper said with a chuckle. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen that look on the twins’ faces before. I think they’re so used to everything going their way because of who they are.”
“Yeah, that was great,” Piper added, then smiled at me. “Thanks for that, by the way.”
“Thanks for what?” I voiced, continuing the charade. I glanced at her friend, but Piper waved a hand. “Don’t worry. Bella knows you’re lying.”
“But you were very convincing,” the girl said, smiling at me warmly. “Had me doubting for a second.”
“I’m happy to help,” I said, finally relaxing now that I knew the girl was Piper’s friend.
“But I’m still not sure it will be enough to get your mother off your back,” Bella continued.
I glanced at Piper curiously. “What is this about?”
“It’s a long story,” she said.
“I have time,” I replied, although it wasn’t true. I had a pile of work on my desk, but for the life of me, I couldn’t get myself to leave. I pulled up a chair and sat instead, awaiting the tale.
Piper took a deep breath and told me the whole tale about her parents’ debt and how they were trying to marry her off to a decrepit old man. It was difficult to keep the outrage from my face the more she talked. If I was being honest with myself, it wasn’t just the fact that she was being forced into an unwanted marriage that got to me. No, there was a distinct possessive heat that rushed through my blood because from what she said, they wanted her to be someone else’s and not mine.
No one else is allowed to touch her.
It was an irrational feeling that I couldn’t control, and it whipped up a storm inside me. I had to clench my hands into fists to keep from showing my dark emotions.