Page 20 of Doctor Grump

“Maybe. Maybe not,” he said. “There is also a process to that, but it might make things more complex, almost like an admittance of guilt.”

Great. “Well then.” Oddly enough, I was somewhat relieved he said that since I wasn’t sure I wanted to turn down the donation. Besides the fact that the foundation could use the money to help families out and for its research, the very idea of giving in to the Santorini clan’s demand itched. The spoiled brats were trying to circumvent their mother’s wishes and bully me because things didn’t turn out the way they wanted.

I had never done well with bullies, and I wasn't about to start now.

“Never mind,” I said. “I’m not giving in. We’re fighting this.”

“Yippee,” Fields said drily. “More work for me.”

“Yeah, yeah, not like I don’t pay you enough. Listen, I have to get to work. Tell me about our game plan later today, okay?”

“Roger,” he said right before I hung up. Taking a deep breath, I got out of the car in time to start the day.

The day didn’t get any more straightforward after that. Working as a psychiatrist was like that mostly—you never knew what you would get each day. Some days were more routine check-ups, with each patient showing up for a refill of their meds. And, some days, it was like holding back water from a firehose.

Today was the latter.

By the time I stopped three suicide attempts, an episode of hyperemesis, and was groped by a dementia patient, the sun was setting. Still, I continued to work, and it was only after I was done filling out all the charts that I allowed myself to go home.

When I got home, I heard Piper call me, but I threw out a short answer and headed upstairs immediately, needing to wash the stench of the day off me before I could finally relax. I hastily tore my shirt off, throwing it directly into the laundry basket, and was in the process of taking my pants off too when the door opened behind me, and angry words filled the once quiet room.

I turned around and caught Piper standing there, wide-eyed and seemingly frozen in shock.

Her eyes immediately dropped to my chest, and her face flushed, her mouth falling open.

“Sorry, I—” She didn’t finish her sentence, swallowing loudly instead. Her face was flushed, and her lower lip instantly disappeared between her teeth. Desire was clear and stark in her features, but she didn’t say another word, her throat bobbing slightly as she swallowed. Perhaps I should have expected that reaction. I didn’t pay much attention to my physique, but I knew women found it desirable.

What I didn’t expect was the response her desire elicited in me.

She wanted me,I thought as satisfaction whispered through me.

Lust instantly rose within me, my skin preening toward the phantom touch of her gaze as it ran down my body. I was watching her too, watching the swells of her chest move as she took a deep breath, then another. Her breathing became shallower and more rapid as her eyes came back up to hold mine. And the whole time, I didn’t move away, tell her to leave, or do any of the million other things I should have done.

Instead, I began to walk to her.

One foot after another, pace by pace, I got closer to her. I had no idea what I was going to do once I got there. I had not made a conscious decision on that front yet as I was stuck in this trance with desire throbbing between us. I knew what I wanted to do, though. I wanted to kiss the line of her neck, lick it, and bite it. Then I wanted to slowly, slowly sip from her lips. Maybe I would have done that when I finally stood in front of her, but before I got a chance, she reached out instead.

Her hand touched my chest, and I nearly jerked as an intense flood of passion flowed through me. I felt the hard length between my legs jerk too.Fuck, this is insane.

“Wow,” she whispered hoarsely, and I got the feeling she didn’t even know she said it. She seemed just as locked in the madness as I was while her hands continued to trail up and down in torturously slow sweeps.

I stood still, willing myself not to move as she trailed her fingers and encountered a scar to the side of my pec. Then, she got to my nipple. Her eyes were hazy when they met mine, filled with a strange boldness that caused her to slowly run her finger over my nipple.

A groan tore out of me.

The sound was what seemed to snap her out of it.

She jumped at it and squeaked, giving me a startled look as if she had no idea what had just happened. When the realization hit, her eyes widened in horror.

“Oh my God, I—” She shook her head but had nothing else to say, so she turned around and ran from my room like hell was on her heels.



Iran down the stairs and was halfway to the living room by the time I finally caught my breath.

Still, it was a struggle to breathe fully. It seemed like my mind was occupied with trying to figure out what just happened, and my body was possessed with a strange heat that refused to be quelled. I had to fan myself just to give oxygen more of a chance to get into my lungs.