I glance at the three other girls, not surprised to see that they all seem unnerved too, except, of course, for Britta, whom I told about White Hands’s surprise arrival last night. “Evening greetings, Karmoko,” she says with a wide grin, doing a quick kneel in greeting to White Hands.
White Hands’s mouth quirks into a smile. “Evening greetings, Britta,” she replies. Then she turns to the rest of us. “You’re all on time. Wonderful. I hate latecomers, don’t you?”
When we look at each other, unsure of how to respond, she rises, dusting herself off. She’s wearing the sedate brown robes of a karmoko, and I’m not surprised to find they suit her even better than her old travelling blacks ever did. She walks over, nods at us.
“I am your new karmoko,” she announces. “You may call me Karmoko, or Karmoko White Hands. I’m very fond of that name.” She winks at me as she says this.
I quickly bow. “Evening greetings, Karmoko White Hands,” I say, echoing the other girls.
“Evening greetings,” she returns.
Then she spots us watching the weapons. “You’ve noticed my teaching tools. Wonderful. As you may have heard, I’ve specially selected you all to go on certain raids for the Warthu Bera, and as such, I feel there’s no point insulting your natural abilities by giving you practice swords and weaponry to train with. The four of you are alaki, you can and already have faced worse – mostly.” She glances at Britta when she says this, and Britta blushes, embarrassed at being singled out.
“That’s why I have decided to hold these lessons. Now that I’m here, it’s time I moulded the champions of this school.”
“Champions?” Belcalis repeats.
White Hands doesn’t answer. She’s now walking over to Gazal, an expression of concern on her face. I frown as I see the same thing she has. Gazal’s forehead shines with sweat, and her eyes are slightly unfocused. She’s staring at the lake, as pale as a ghost. I almost wonder if she’s sick, but alaki don’t get sick. Once our blood begins changing, we become immune to most illnesses, our bodies healing them just as fast as it does everything else.
“You don’t look at all well,” White Hands says softly. “Gazal, is it not?”
“Yes, Karmoko.” Gazal nods, her eyes flicking to the water.
As White Hands’s eyes follow Gazal’s gaze, a calculating expression surfaces. She casually takes the novice by the elbow. “Why don’t we go over to the lake, cool you off.”
“No!” The word barks from Gazal’s lips, and she jerks herself out of White Hands’s hands.
A quiet knowing rises in our new karmoko’s eyes. “It’s the lake, isn’t it?” When Gazal doesn’t respond, she repeats her words. “Isn’t it, novice?”
Gazal reluctantly nods.
Gazal shakes her head frantically, that frightened expression taking over. My eyes widen, watching her. I’ve never seen her unnerved before. “I can’t, I—”
“You have to say it in order to overcome it,” White Hands insists calmly. “The lake can’t change, and I certainly won’t, so whatever it is, you have to address it now, so we can move on with our lesson.”
“Please,” Gazal whimpers, her eyes fixed on the dark water.
“Please what?”
“Please, I don’t want to be near that, I don’t want—”
I’ve never seen Gazal so distraught, didn’t even know it was possible. I suddenly feel deeply uneasy, as if I’m witnessing something I shouldn’t.
“This isn’t right,” Britta whispers beside me.
I nod. White Hands likes to play with people, but this is a shade too far. Her expression is implacable now as she turns to Gazal. “Why don’t you want to be near the water?” she asks, then adds, “I can’t do anything if you don’t tell me why.”
Gazal only shakes her head, her eyes wilder. The thought of talking about it obviously terrifies her.
“Very well,” White Hands says, grabbing her by the arm. She drags her towards the lake.
“No. NO!” Gazal shrieks, digging her feet in, but White Hands is unyielding. She keeps pulling Gazal closer and closer until finally, the novice can’t take it any more.
“They locked me inside it!” she screams.
Gazal collapses, tears falling from her eyes. She’s sobbing so hard, her entire body is wracked by the force of her cries.