“Obviously. Wouldn’t you be?”

She hummed before shoving a few more chips into her mouth. Daddy told me that we had to talk to my dad. He said we had no choice and didn’t feel comfortable taking me from him without his knowledge.

“You’ll be fine. It won’t be that bad. I mean, he’s only a forty-something man that ate your ass while your dad slept twenty feet away.”

I sank into my bed and let my body fall onto the duvet. “Thanks for that. You’re the best.”

“It’s not like he’s going to ground you. You’re eighteen years old. Practically old as dirt.” She joked before taking a sip of her water.

I started at the ceiling, my mind wandered, and every horrible possibility ran through my brain. What if my dad disowned me? What if he promised to never speak to me again? The thought of losing my dad wasn’t something I could bear. He was the only family I had left.

“How does it feel to be tainted?”

“What?” I asked. Her question caught me off guard.

“Do you live under a rock or something? She scrunched the bag in her hand and let out an annoyed breath. “He shot his seed up your cunt. Claimed you…..”

“Oh, wait. I thought you were claimed when you were married?”

I lifted and walked over to my bedroom door. My dad didn’t have to be anywhere today, and I desperately hoped he would step out for something, but the odds of that happening were slim to none.


“Hey, I’m here. I’m just over here losing my mind.”

“Girl, you lost your mind the day you decided to fond over a middle-aged man you met on a cam site two weeks ago. So you’re really going to be with this guy, huh?”

I turned and pressed my back into the door. “Yeah. It sounds crazy, but I feel like he was made for me. He makes me feel safe and loved and–”

“And fucks you like the worlds coming to an end apparently.”

A giggle erupted from my throat. She wasn’t lying. Trying to keep Daddy’s hands off me was becoming a chore, but I loved it.I loved him.

We talked for a few more minutes before she had to attend a party her mom was throwing for the neighbors. I let my arms fall to my side, took a deep breath, and closed my eyes. Then my phone vibrated, and my heart dropped into my stomach.

Daddy: Almost at your house.

I ambled out of my bedroom, my legs quickly turning to jelly with each step. The clanking of pots let me know my dad was in the kitchen and probably preparing lunch for himself. Taking one cautious step at a time, I climbed down the stairs while my legs threatened to give out underneath me. When I landed at the bottom step, his front was turned toward the stove. I had hoped I could sneak to the front door without being seen, but he called my name, and my spine stiffened. I had never been the best at reading my dad. He hid his emotions behind icy eyes and a stoic gaze but seeing him look at me now had my insides clenching in uncertainty. He shifted and cut the fire off before crossing one leg over the other. He stared me down, then cleared his throat to speak, but the doorbell snatched the opportunity instead. I didn’t move. I couldn’t move. I sliced my eyes to the door, and my dad yelled, "it's open." Time warped as I thought about standing in the middle of the kitchen, with my dad on one side of Daddy and me on the other. Two men who wanted nothing but the best for me. My skin flushed at the sight of Daddy when he walked through the door. I never really paid attention to how tall he was, but seeing him stand in the small foyer looking like some amazon God wearing a polo that showed off his strong muscles had me fazed. He steadied himself, then winked as he walked out of the foyer.

“Mr. Allen,” he said as he tipped the brim of his hat.

He eased to my side and laid his hat on the kitchen island. My dad glared at it, then glared at him. The cloak of silence that covered us was so thick you could hear a pin drop. I nibbled on my bottom lip as my gaze sliced between them.

My dad took a sip of coffee, his eyes like a dagger piercing through my soul. “What the hell are you doing in my house?”

“Paying you a visit.” Daddy placed his hands on his belt and jutted his leg out.

My dad scoffed, “I doubt it.” He pointed to me and shook his head in disappointment. “More like you’re here to see my daughter. My daughter who’s twenty years your junior.”

His judgment had shame engulfing my insides like a broken dam. I blinked back the tears that prickled the corners of my eyes and cut my gaze to blankly stare at the fridge across from me.

“I mean no disrespect.”

My dad took a long sip from his mug and turned to face the sink. “A little late for that. Next time you sneak out of my house, at least have the common courtesy to not let the door slam shut.”

Daddy gave me a glance and pierced his lips together to fight the salacious grin taunting the corners of his mouth. I cut my gaze to the floor and hoped some higher being above would hear my plea to send a natural disaster my way ASAP.

“Out of all the guys in Stonebridge, you get involved with the asshole who put us in the poorhouse?” He asked, shaking his head.