Page 54 of Shattered Oath

I do. Enzo’s dealing with the consequences of it right now.

I pick up the glass of wine. It doesn’t taste great but the more I drink, the better it becomes. Maybe it’s just numbing my tastebuds same as the alcohol content is numbing my brain to the truth.

He’s burying a body while I sit here. He loaded me into his car. I got no say in the matter.

I know I could leave right now but where am I supposed to go? I’ve no car. I doubt there are buses until the morning and who knows where I’d get a cab from. Even if I could get a ride, where am I going? Back to town? Enzo’s told me my life’s at risk if I go back there and I don’t doubt he’s telling the truth. As he said, he’s many things, but he’s not a liar.

Why did I let him kiss me? Why did I get involved with him at all?

I could tell myself I had no choice about the kisses, that he forced himself on me against my will. Maybe that’s true, maybe I liked the way he took control.

Isn’t that the more unpalatable truth? That I liked it.

He told me he’d explain things when he got back but by the time he does, I’m fast asleep on top of the blankets with the bottle of wine half-empty on the nightstand.

I’ve kicked off my clothes in my sleep except for my underwear. Not the best idea with the way he’s been looking at me recently. I blame the wine. Yeah, that’s it. The wine’s fault.



* * *

Iwake up when I feel a pair of eyes on me. I look up and Enzo is standing there, looking amused. “You drunk?” he asks, tapping the wine bottle. “On half a bottle?”

“I’m not drunk,” I reply, sitting up a little until the pillow supports my back. “I’m tired.” I feel his eyes on my body as I sit up, burning into me.

“So don’t let me stop you from sleeping. Might want to get under the blankets though.”

“You telling me what to do?” I ask, realizing where he’s looking. I yank the covers until they’re on top of me.

“Look what happens when I don’t. You get drunk and fall asleep on top of the blankets.”

“I’m not drunk. I could do one of those sobriety tests right now. Walk a straight line, touch my nose, juggle and sing like The Man with Two Brains.”

“Anoint my head, anointy nointy.”

I can’t help but smile. “You’re a poet,” I say. “I never knew.”

“Seen a lot of Steve Martin movies.”

“Would not have guessed that about you.”

“What do you think about me?” He sinks into the armchair, crossing his feet at the ankles.

“I think Ralph is terrified of you. What did you do to him?”

“Menson? He knows my reputation, that’s all. It gets around.”

“I don’t know it.”

“You’re from a small town and under normal circumstances, you’d never have anything to do with a man like me.” He sighs. “But these are not normal circumstances.” He takes off his jacket, folding it over the arm of the chair. “I like your style in getting us a double, by the way.”

“It was the only room they had left.”

“Sure it was. Anyone would think you were trying to seduce me.”

“Hey, you’re the one who said you always sleep alone. Enjoy the floor. It sure looks comfortable.”