Page 109 of Shattered Oath

“Good. Not that you had a choice, you understand.”

“The Don makes the decisions around here, I know that.”


“Except when Spock wants your seat on the couch and you just move to let him have it, right?”

“Turns out I’m a sucker for a cute kitty, who knew?”

“I could have guessed it.”

“Yeah, right you could.”

I pick up my shake and take a sip. “Got some news for you,” I say as I wipe my mouth.

“What’s that, milk mustaches are back in fashion?”

“I stopped taking the pill.”

He sits up perfectly straight. “You did, huh?”

“I did.”

“So you’re ready to try?”

“I’m ready to try to try. I mean, I’m going to be a married woman, right? Might as well have a great big bump in my wedding dress or what’s the point?”

“You sure about this?”

“Only one thing.”

“What’s that?”

“We’re going to have to have tons of sex to make sure you get me pregnant.”

“Oh no.” He rolls his eyes. “How awful.”

I giggle out loud. “For a man who doesn’t joke, you make quite a lot of them now.”

“I can relax now. Blizzard’s been tied to a lot of those bodies. He’s never getting out. The families have all accepted me as Don, the Capos too. It’s all good. Even Sarah is willing to let me have a girlfriend, though she insists on vetting you before we get married.”

“I wouldn’t expect anything else.”

“Good. I’ll arrange dinner with her and Imelda for next week.”

Maisie brings out Enzo’s food, setting it down in front of him. I hold my hand up toward her and cough. She looks at my hand, then at the ring, her eyes widening. “You’re engaged?” she says with a squeal. “That’s amazing!”

“Don’t get too excited. His niece has to vet me first.”

She nods, trying to keep her smile under control. “Sure. Well, I’ll keep my fingers crossed she approves.”

“You do that.”

“And I’ll start shopping for a maid of honor dress just in case.” She skips away to the kitchen.

“You sure you don’t want to change your mind?” I ask when she’s gone. “You’ll have me and her in your life for a long time if you do.”

“I’m Don Felici,” he replies. “I’m willing to sacrifice my happiness for progress.”