Page 5 of Savage Beauty

She’s looking at me from the other seat as the car purrs through the streets. “Why did you tell me I didn’t belong in the club?” she asks as I light my cigar.

I glance over at her. “You put yourself in danger.”

“And how exactly did I do that?”

“Five thousand dollar earrings in a place like that. An unnecessary risk.”

“Says the man in the ten thousand dollar suit.”

So she knows good tailoring. Interesting. “I can take care of myself,” I tell her.

“So can I.”

“I can see that. Almost got your drink spiked and now traveling in a car with a complete stranger. You’ve no idea what I might do to you. No idea who I am.”

“I don’t need to know who you are. You don’t need to know who I am.”

“Still taking a risk.”

She shakes her head. “You won’t hurt me. I can tell.”

“You’re sure?”

She grins. “I’ve known enough violent men in my time. You’re not one of them.”

She’s no idea how wrong she is but now is not the time to correct her. “What do your parents think about you being out alone at this time of night?”

She laughs. “Does it matter?”

“Humor me.”

“My father might genuinely kill me for this.”


“And then some. This is my first time ever out on my own. Can you believe that?”

“I guessed that.”

She leans back and sighs. “He never lets me make my own decisions in life. I bet you’ve no idea what that’s like, have you?”

“I have a better idea than you realize.”

“Oh, really. Like how?”

I think for a moment how much information to give her. “My father wants me to go into the family business,” I say at last. “I have no choice in the matter. Wants me to take over instead of my brother. Forcing us to compete with each other.”

“Families,” she says with a groan. “Am I right?”

“That is an accurate reading of the situation, yes.”

“Anyone ever tell you that your cigars stink?”

“Anyone ever tell you that you shouldn’t take rides with strangers.”

“All the time.” She grins and some frozen part of me starts to thaw. I don’t like the feeling.

She’s making me feel things. That’s not good.