Page 4 of Savage Beauty

He leans toward me, his mouth an inch from my ear. “You want a steamy night of no questions asked sex. You want to moan and sweat and forget everything about yourself for a few hours. You want me inside you and no amount of blushing will convince me I am wrong. You want to climax over and over again without caring about anything but the pleasure I can give you. Come with me and I’ll give you what you want.”

He walks away. I’m left staggering from what he said. My ear is tingling from the heat of his breath. My body is already heating up at the thought of it.

I can’t just leave with a stranger, can I?

I think about staying put. In this moment, I don’t realize how big a decision this is. I only think about continuing to drink on my own versus finding out what the hell this guy is talking about.

My curiosity gets the better of me and I get to my feet, pushing through the crowd in time to find him collecting his coat from the cloakroom by the main entrance. The woman behind the counter smiles at him, batting her eyelids as she gives him his coat. I get an irrational flash of jealousy.

He holds the coat toward me. “Cold out there,” he says. “And you are underdressed for the season.”

I let him slide the coat over my shoulders. It’s huge, and warm, and it smells of him. I hold it tight as we step outside to the bustling city street. A long sleek black car is right outside the entrance. A driver in a black suit is holding the back door open. The devil steps inside.

“Get in,” he says, beckoning me toward him. “Don’t make me drag you in here.”



* * *

Itell the driver to take us to my place on Maple. It’s quiet, out in the suburbs. Best of all, the neighbors know to mind their own business. It’s where I usually go for this kind of encounter. Never normally happens this quickly though. Normally, there’s some flirting before we fuck but this time, it’s different.

From the moment I saw her in the club, I knew she was mine. Something in her eyes. Something about them that speaks to me. I’ll find out everything about her. Just not yet.

First I’m going to take her inside the quietest and most secret of my houses. Then, I’m going to fuck the hell out of her.

She’s going to have a night she’ll remember for a very long time. So many women would kill to be in her position right now but I don’t want anyone but her.

I wasn’t at the club to pick up women. Mostly, when I go out to pick up protection money, it’s a baker or a hairdresser handing it over. The bars are good for choosing a tryst. The nightclubs best of all. The owners always fawn over me, making sure I get complimentary drinks, the best seats, the pick of the women available. Those who don’t know who I am soon find out. Power, threat, money. I exude all three. It shows.

Tonight, all I wanted was to get the money the family is owed. I’m trying to prove I can focus on business, not get too distracted by women.

Then I saw her.

I was making my way through the crowd, my pockets filled with cash from the earlier pick ups. All I planned to do was take a look at the clientèle, make sure the place was as busy as it should be, get the brown envelope, and then take off.

The staff were all working well, my people discreetly checking the only drugs sold were from our approved dealers.

I saw her before I saw the asshole that tried to spike her. She was alone, poured into a tight little dress, her nipples poking out through it, her ass pert enough to get my cock twitching just from watching her. She stood out like a rose amongst thorns, like there was a light above her head that shone only for me. I wanted her at once.

She’s about five-five, a hundred and twenty pounds, earrings that are pure silver, diamonds at the end worth far more than anyone in here realizes. Legs I could stare at for hours. No weapon hidden under that dress except her body. Hair in a bob, makeup understated but with striking blue eyeshadow. Doesn’t fit in.

That’s my secondary assessment. My initial one is simpler. No threat. It’s how I look at everyone wherever I go. Is there a threat? In here there are a couple of guns but no one is going to try anything with me. The hellfire that would rain down on them for attempting it is enough to frighten them all off.

Most of them know who I am. Part of the most powerful mafia family in the city. No one would dream of messing with me. Not even with my father as ill as he is. The Don will be obeyed, no matter what. He might be ill but he still rules with a rod of iron. I will be the same when I take over.

I force myself to stop watching her. That’s when I notice the asshole putting a pill into her drink. It’s a quick movement but I spot it. He’s clearly done it before.

By the time he’s reached her, the pill’s dissolved. I don’t need to know what it is. I can guess. He wants her wasted so he can take her out of here.

I decide two things quickly. I’m taking her. He’s not taking anyone else.

I get her out of here using my usual method. I know she’ll follow me. She trusts me.

I have a way with people. I can make them trust me. Makes them easier to manipulate into doing what I want.

What I want right now is to fuck her. By the time we’re done, she won’t want anyone else.