Page 82 of Ruined Beauty

I touch my stomach again. Time to start a new family. Four months until this baby boy comes along.

What are the odds of getting pregnant from having sex a single time? Did I get lucky or unlucky? I’m still not sure which it is, but I’m looking forward to finding out what it’s like to be a mother.

Eva is standing at the steps at the bottom of the airplane. She’s taken over all of Marco’s business dealings, but she’s made time to come and collect the car, make sure I’m okay.

“Good luck,” she says, kissing me on both cheeks. “Make sure you bring the bambino back to see me sometime.”

“Of course I will. Thank you, Eva, for everything.”

“You’re welcome, Anna.” She gives me a hug before stepping back. “Now go, enjoy the Riviera. It’s beautiful this time of year.”

I climb on board and do my best to relax. It’s a strange feeling being onboard a plane that is only moving to transport me from one continent to another. “We’re being well looked after,” I tell my bump. “And you’ve no idea what I’m saying. I’m just a food service trolley to you, aren’t I?”

I get no response other than butterflies in my stomach. But that could be hunger. Or I might need to fart. Hard to tell recently.

We land fine in Italy with no problems. I rent a car and take it out along the coast. It’s a couple of hours’ drive and I’m surrounded by beautiful scenery. The sun is just starting to lower in the sky, making the ocean look sparkling with light. I can’t wait to dip my toes in, but not yet. First, I have something I need to do.

When I get to the house, I park up out front, digging out the key from my handbag. I unlock the door, passing straight through and out onto the back lawn. I make my way down the steps that lead to the private bay.

I look around me, finding it hard to believe this beach is just for me. I make sure there’s no one around and then I undress. I toss my clothes into a pile, leaving them on the sand as I make my way into the sea.

The water is bracing and swimming naked is a wonderful feeling. I float on my back, looking up at the sky. Is mom up there, looking down on me?

I bet my father isn’t. If he’s anywhere, he’s down below me, hopefully sitting on a spike in a burning pit somewhere. That asshole.

How could he shoot Marco? The one good thing that ever happened to me and he wanted to take it away.

I roll onto my front, swimming slowly toward the cave at the edge of the bay. When I get there, I climb out. There’s a towel waiting for me. I wrap it around myself, glad of the cool shade out of the sun.

Water drips from me as I walk into the cave. I see something that makes me smile.

“Got here okay,” Marco says, getting up from his seat. He’s wearing the same suit he wore the day I met him. He looks like he was poured into it.

There’s a table and two chairs laid out for lunch. He hands me a glass of champagne. “How did you know what time I’d arrive?” I ask him, taking a sip.

“Eva called me when the flight landed. GPS in the car. Child’s play.”

“That was a rental.”

“I know.”

“Can you do anything? I mean, could you hack into the White House if you needed to?”

“I couldn’t, but I could find someone who could. What do you need to know?”

“I don’t know. Did Roswell really happen?”

“I’ll let you know tomorrow.”

“I’m joking.”

He smiles, pushing a plate of food toward me. “Fish caught locally. Enjoy.”

I look at him as he picks his fork up. “What about if I don’t want to eat that?” I ask.

“You want something else?”

“I do.” I raise my eyebrows. “Are you well enough, though?”