Page 75 of Ruined Beauty

“You’ll change your tune after a few more days here.”

“I will never agree to marry your choice of man. I would rather die.”

“You’ll be worked to death here. You know that, right? Slave away for me until you drop to the floor. You know what happens then? Your body gets tossed into the pit out back. Already got dozens of skeletons in it and you’ll be one more. That what you want?”

“Anything else? Only I’d like to get some sleep?”

He scowls at me. “I give it two days before you’re begging to walk down the aisle.” He nods to the guard. “Take her back upstairs.”

“Si, señor.” The guard shoves me in the back. I turn and walk up the stairs, not looking behind me. When we get to the top, a thought occurs to me. I decide not to think about it too much or I might chicken out.

“Listen,” I say, turning to face the guard as he goes to lock the door behind us. “Maybe we could cut a deal. You must get lonely working here, right?”

He frowns at me. Clearly, he doesn’t speak English and my Spanish is non-existent. “Fuck it,” I say out loud, swinging my foot up between his legs.

To my amazement, it connects. He lets out a wheeze of strained air, his mouth open, his eyes bulging.

His hands go between his legs, cupping himself as he falls to his knees, dropping his gun. I grab it and whack him over the head with the butt. He collapses at once, slumping onto his side.

He’s still breathing, but he’ll have one hell of a headache when he wakes up.

I take the key out of his hand, unlocking the door before peering through it. I can’t hear anyone downstairs. I’m guessing my father’s already left.

I creep down, trying to keep my breathing under control. The lights have been turned out on the main floor, but there’s one left over by the offices at the far end. I head that way, keeping to the shadows, expecting a hand on my shoulder at any moment.

When I get to the far side, I pause, listening hard. Nothing. I dash past the light and into the darkness on the far side. The office is locked, but the window into it is open enough for me to climb through. Inside, there’s a cabinet on the wall with car keys on hooks. I grab one of the sets of keys. There’s also another door. I pray as I turn the handle. It’s unlocked. My luck is holding out.

The door leads straight outside to a courtyard filled with battered cars barely visible in the moonless night.

I press the button on the key and a Chevy at the end of the row flashes. Someone notices the flash. I hear a yelled voice over to my left.

I run for the car, jumping in and turning on the engine as two men appear from around the side of the factory, guns pointing my way.

“Shit,” I say out loud as I find the lights and turn them on. A dusty track is illuminated in front of me as I press the gas down to fly forward with a jolt.

I yank the steering wheel toward the men as the engine roars. They jump out of the way just in time. I keep going, racing along the road toward a chain-link fence at the end. I shut my eyes just before I hit it. The windscreen takes a beating and one of the lights gets smashed, but I keep moving. I’m out of the compound. I scream with joy. I’m free.

I’ve no idea where I am, but that doesn’t matter because I’m not going to get much further. Behind me are three cars and in front of me a black SUV is heading my way. It sees me, turning sideways to block the road.

I think about trying to ram it but this car would come off far worse. On either side of it are low walls lining the road. There’s nowhere to go. Behind me, the chasing cars are getting closer.

I skid to a halt and look from the SUV to the cars right behind me. I’m trapped and there’s nowhere left to go.

That’s when the door of the SUV opens and I think I’m going mad because I can see a ghost pointing a gun at me.



* * *

Idon’t hesitate. The instant she gets out of the car, I shoot. She drops to the ground, putting her hands over her head. My men are firing next to me. The two cars behind her don’t stand a chance. A hail of bullets blasts into them before they’ve a chance to fight back.

I don’t stop until the chamber’s empty. Then I reload and fire again, moving forward the entire time.

We don’t have long. We’re deep into cartel territory and if we don’t move fast, they’ll know it was me that wiped out their men. I need to get her away from here fast.

I ignore the pain from my injuries. I can hurt later. For now, I need to get to her. The chamber in my gun clicks empty again. I look at the cars on the other side of her. No one is getting out. Nothing is moving.