Page 65 of Ruined Beauty

“Get inside,” Marco tells me.

“You still on edge?”

“No, but I need to make sure you’re set up before I head out.”

“Wait, you’re leaving me here?”

“Only for a few hours.” He sees the fear flashing across my face. “You’ll be fine. No one knows we’re here.”

“I seem to recall you said that about the house on the island.”

“This is different. We’re not being tracked anymore. Clothes burned. New car. Even our cellphones are untouched.”

“If you can trust that garage guy.”

“He’s worked for me for years.”


“So get inside before I carry you in. I’m running out of patience.”

I walk into the cabin. It’s as stunning inside as it was out. The smell of old wood fills the air. It’s a calming scent. I sink onto the couch and sigh. “I could get used to this,” I say, stretching out my arms in front of me. “There any food here?”

“We keep our safe houses fully stocked. There’ll be a freezer full of meat and plenty of booze in the cupboards. Don’t go overboard. I’m going to sweep the place.”

He walks into each room in turn, checking everywhere before returning to me. “Don’t go anywhere,” he says.

“Where are you going?”

“I’ve got some things to do, but I’ll be back soon.”

He walks out, pulling the door closed after him. I hear the car starting up and then the sound of the engine fading away into the distance.

I look around me, trying not to be afraid. He’s right. No one knows we’re here.

I feel less safe purely because he’s gone. That’s dumb. I survived plenty of years before I met him. I can cope for a few hours without him.

I miss my sketchbook, though. I left it behind on the island. I wonder if I can pick a new one up from somewhere, start again. I hope so.

I have a look around the place, orientating myself. The kitchen is full of food, like he said. I make myself some pasta with tomato sauce, adding in tinned vegetables. It’s not quite Michelin star stuff, but it stops my stomach from growling, especially when I add some red wine to the mix.

Once I’ve eaten, I take a bath. The water runs hot, which is a blessing. I sink into the tub, closing my eyes, my fingers on mom’s ring on my finger. Next to the ring he gave me.

What would she think if she could see me now?

I think she’d be glad my father is finally going to get what he deserves. After all this time, he’s on the back foot. Tried to kill Marco three times but couldn’t manage it.

Is that why Marco wouldn’t tell me where he’s going? Has he gone to kill my father?

I should feel bad about it, but I don’t feel anything other than gratitude toward him. Is he doing it for revenge or to protect me? If he doesn’t kill my father, I’m going to be married off to the cartel. Not going to lie, that’s not top of my ‘to do’ list for the week.

I don’t know how long Marco’s going to be gone for. I could run. That’s still an option. I’m not locked in here. I’ve got the keys. I could head into the woods. We passed a town about an hour ago. I could head there, try to figure out what to do with myself from there.

I’m not going anywhere. Being away from him now is making me feel like I’m missing a limb. How did I even become this attached this quickly?

Maybe it’s the shared experience. We’ve been through such a lot in the time we’ve been together. I’m not surprised it’s made me feel strongly about him.

Does he feel the same way? He said we’d stay married, but does he mean that? I’ve become so used to men lying to me that I’m not sure I’d know the truth if it was right in front of me. He seems honest, but what does that prove? Only that I’m not a good judge of character if my past experience is anything to go by.