Page 34 of Ruined Beauty

“I saw it all this morning,” she says. “I’m not interested.”

“You should be. I won’t have my new bride wearing the same damp smelling outfit one day after another. You are marrying me. You will dress appropriately.”

“And if I don’t?”

“Then I can make your stay very difficult indeed. I would prefer not to. I would prefer to have you agreeable.”

“Then explain to me why you’re doing this.”

“They did that last night, against my wishes, I might add.”

“I mean explain properly. Why me? Why this burning need to get me pregnant?”

“I will explain if you have breakfast with me.”

“All right,” she says, unfolding her arms. “You promise you’ll explain everything to me?”

“I keep my word, Anna.”

“Promise me. Say it.”

I think of all the people who have been in my study before, begging for their lives. The fear and terror between these four walls. In all the years I’ve worked for the family, with all the deaths I’ve caused, I’ve never once had someone stand here and give me orders.

I have to resist smiling.

I like her fiery nature, so different to the people I’m used to dealing with. They all fear me. She does not. She should, but she does not. In fact, she is aroused by me. I can tell just by looking at her.

My towel slips down another inch. I ignore it. She can’t, her cheeks flushing a deeper red.

“I promise,” I say. “Now go to your room and get changed. I will expect you in the dining room in ten minutes, minus the crowbar.”

There’s a knock on the door. I turn to open it as Anna scurries away down the corridor.

Giuseppe is standing there. “I’m sorry, sir,” he says. “She got into the workshop. One of the men left it unlocked.”

“I’m lucky she didn’t get into the arsenal,” I tell him, watching Anna’s ass as she walks away from me. “Tell Eva to set two places for breakfast this morning.”

He smiles and then nods. “It’s working then,” he says. “You being nice to her, I mean?”

“It is.”

“Going to admit me and Eva were right?”

I ignore his comment. “I’m going to get dressed,” I say. “Collect the crowbar from near the back door, reset the alarms, and make sure the workshop stays locked from now on. Any more mistakes and it’ll be your head I take off, Giuseppe.”

He gulps and then walks away. I head upstairs to get changed. It’s time to tell Anna a few home truths. The only question is, will she be able to handle them?



* * *

The problem with being in a warm house filled with beautiful paintings and thick carpets is that it’s too easy to get used to it.

I stand barefoot in my bedroom, looking in a wardrobe filled with designer outfits. I’m not cold. There’s no condensation on the windows. The noise of constant traffic isn’t rumbling by outside.

It could be a lot worse.